Which is important for your child's schooling or assistance to family


A typical school system includes a whole range of significant advantages and disadvantages to which it is desirable to get acquainted not indifferent to each parent.

School education for your child

The main positive sign is that children and adolescents provide a good opportunity to be fully developed, draw the necessary information as for the assimilation of the material is given sufficient time, but in real life, few data are available.

Paradoxically, the reason lies not so much in laziness, but in the absence of motivation. This phenomenon is caused by the inability of the older generation to motivate children school program, which is also important.

It should also be added that in school we get a lot of useless information, which, after its completion, and we do not need. Undoubtedly, a person needs to fully develop, but in a more conscious age (adolescence), the individual himself the right to choose those things that are most interesting to him, and to study them.

And it is desirable to do before entering the university, the best option - in high school. By the time people are able to decide about what interests him more, and that learning comes through force.

Moreover, the classification of school subjects should not be limited to humanitarian and physics and mathematics, as it is too generalized criteria that is difficult to assess the real abilities and preferences of the child.

Superficial knowledge is necessary in all areas of the study of the school curriculum, or the person will experience some difficulties in independent life.

However, I repeat, only the surface that really need to know the person, and most of the time is to take what is really causing the interest of the student. In this case, the process of learning material will be most productive.

Help parents, family child

Keep in mind that the knowledge gained at school did not make your child more independent and sociable, though, and help him to become intellectual development. But this is very little in order to become a successful person and fully realized in this world.

The task of parents - to give to your child, such knowledge that is not taught in schools. The knowledge that are most relevant for its implementation and survival, such as the ability to find common ground with others, to properly allocate their time, finances, opportunities and more.

This information would in any case need your daze because he will sooner or later have to deal with such phenomena, and the child will be much easier to overcome these difficulties, because it already has some idea about them.

Do not hesitate to be honest with your child, share their experiences, voice their opinions, but do not force it. Always remember that one of the main drawbacks of the school - the formation of stereotyping students.

Children often play the role of "clay" from which you can sculpt anything and educators are well aware, therefore, to cultivate true identity, you need to actively help your child to develop and improve.

School and family education should be right and proper to alternate with each other, but brought up in the family circle has a greater importance as the knowledge and skills will be extremely useful in the further development of the little man.

You must teach your child that is not taught in schools, but schools also play a significant role in the life of your offspring, so underestimate the modern school system is clearly not worth it, despite its shortcomings.

Which is important for your child's schooling or assistance to family


A typical school system includes a whole range of significant advantages and disadvantages to which it is desirable to get acquainted not indifferent to each parent.

School education for your child

The main positive sign is that children and adolescents provide a good opportunity to be fully developed, draw the necessary information as for the assimilation of the material is given sufficient time, but in real life, few data are available.

Paradoxically, the reason lies not so much in laziness, but in the absence of motivation. This phenomenon is caused by the inability of the older generation to motivate children school program, which is also important.

It should also be added that in school we get a lot of useless information, which, after its completion, and we do not need. Undoubtedly, a person needs to fully develop, but in a more conscious age (adolescence), the individual himself the right to choose those things that are most interesting to him, and to study them.

And it is desirable to do before entering the university, the best option - in high school. By the time people are able to decide about what interests him more, and that learning comes through force.

Moreover, the classification of school subjects should not be limited to humanitarian and physics and mathematics, as it is too generalized criteria that is difficult to assess the real abilities and preferences of the child.

Superficial knowledge is necessary in all areas of the study of the school curriculum, or the person will experience some difficulties in independent life.

However, I repeat, only the surface that really need to know the person, and most of the time is to take what is really causing the interest of the student. In this case, the process of learning material will be most productive.

Help parents, family child

Keep in mind that the knowledge gained at school did not make your child more independent and sociable, though, and help him to become intellectual development. But this is very little in order to become a successful person and fully realized in this world.

The task of parents - to give to your child, such knowledge that is not taught in schools. The knowledge that are most relevant for its implementation and survival, such as the ability to find common ground with others, to properly allocate their time, finances, opportunities and more.

This information would in any case need your daze because he will sooner or later have to deal with such phenomena, and the child will be much easier to overcome these difficulties, because it already has some idea about them.

Do not hesitate to be honest with your child, share their experiences, voice their opinions, but do not force it. Always remember that one of the main drawbacks of the school - the formation of stereotyping students.

Children often play the role of "clay" from which you can sculpt anything and educators are well aware, therefore, to cultivate true identity, you need to actively help your child to develop and improve.

School and family education should be right and proper to alternate with each other, but brought up in the family circle has a greater importance as the knowledge and skills will be extremely useful in the further development of the little man.

You must teach your child that is not taught in schools, but schools also play a significant role in the life of your offspring, so underestimate the modern school system is clearly not worth it, despite its shortcomings.

Preparing for adulthood, independent children


Nowadays, kids are developing very fast, but on the other - remain largely unsuited to life. Many parents are concerned that their son or daughter is not able to clean up after themselves, not to mention the fact, to warm up your own breakfast, fill the bed alone to do homework or to collect school bag.

The parents refer to their childhood, when they were much more independent and responsible. Here we must note that grew up in the Soviet communal parents and children today are completely different people.

One of the reasons that there are difficulties in the education of their own - the insecurity of children in large cities. Parents must accompany children to and from school on a walk, but it does not explain why they can not cope with household chores.

For children growing demands in the school curriculum only complicated and requires developing organism high energy costs. Often, the child simply can not on their chores.

Of course, you can free up the time of your offspring, giving it a more simple school. Then, instead of English or other foreign language, he will learn to cook eggs and dress without help from an adult. But hardly any of the parents donate a good education.

Autonomy in the home depreciates society, people are respected for children (other adults, teachers) are welcomed to educational, sports and other achievements, participation and victory in the competition.

However, they stop paying attention to whether their child is able to collect the form and a change of clothes in the same section, and lay them out after school (if necessary - to the laundry). They do not care if he could cook something, or at least warm up your own food.

Over the bed or tucked collected backpack is not praised and do not put marks. Adults interested in children only success in school, or sections, no one asks whether they wash their dishes. It is necessary to pay attention to domestic affairs and encourage the child when he performs them.

Parents increasingly important is the result of study, do homework, or visiting mug section, written essay, and who and how to organize these processes - does not seem important.

Of course, parents are so tired after a busy day, and stresses that it is easier to do everything for the child to rest as soon as possible. But in this case should not complain about the time off from your job kids.

Educating yourself - it is work that is overlooked. It happens that the mother and grandmother of the best intentions of preparing delicious meals, set the table, collect a child to school because they want to make their lives easier. This is certainly a noble goal, but at the same time, children develop consumer attitude to relatives.

The portfolio assembled by parents in the evening, so whether it is worth your child to learn this myself? The parents wish their kids all the best - in life and in school. But do not underestimate the importance of fostering respect for elders and self-satisfaction of their vital needs.

Preparing for adulthood, independent children
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