Buy a dress for the girl with a fluffy skirt and fulfill the dream of a princess!

 Buy a dress for girls

Many parents who are going to buy a beautiful dress for girls opt for versions with lush skirts!

Yes, it really is fashionable and relevant, let's find out why!

History and fashion skirts!

Newly returned to fashion skirts that were popular in the 60s of the last century. Many designers all over the world will enjoy in the future, women excellent models. On the catwalks of the world will be presented skirts of various styles: pleated, trapezoidal, asymmetrical skirts, sun, with frills, lace and many others.

Today fancy dress for girls online store sets a very, very reasonable prices, and among mass models is a lot of options with lush skirts in this style.

Color patterns also affect its diversity. For example, a large number of options for plain skirts of various bright colors. As well as the skirt decorated with stripes, floral patterns, peas and print style animal. The length does not matter, it can be sexy mini, midi or democratic elegant maxi.

It is best to combine with skirts riding, made of lightweight fabrics. This can be a thin blouse in tone or, conversely, contrasting color. An excellent option is a colorful fitted jacket, the color of which is very different from the color of the skirt or on the contrary - is identical.

Many brands offer interesting solutions in terms of such dresses: in particular, it is important to mark Gray Gray, who is particularly fond of all kinds of experiments with shaped!

From what to wear dresses with fluffy skirts for girls?

With the onset of summer cool evenings, skirts are allowed to be combined with a blouse or sweater knitted thin. In no case the fabric should not be heavy and bulky look. Very nice skirt with a long cardigan looks, but in this case, be sure to emphasize the waist belt.

The original version - a short fur jacket in a couple of multi-layered skirt of air. And with the advent of cold weather this girls have to wear a coat. By the lush close-fitting skirt suit and flared down coat. It is not necessary to wear a long and narrow model.

It should be approached carefully to the choice of accessories. It is not necessary to combine skirts with garish decorations and colorful bags. This combination only harm the image of stylish, because air skirt itself is a striking accent. Therefore, you need to select the accessories simple and neutral.

A few more words about the children's fashion

Every year it becomes more urgent and children's fashion. Today, even for the youngest children are designer collections, and children's clothing is not inferior to the models for adults. They want to look nice most of all, of course, girls. From an early age, young beauties begin to try on different outfits in the mirror.

The main purpose of children's clothing is that it should be like a child. And little girls usually come to taste the lush dresses and skirts, to be like the heroines of many fairy tales.

To carry out such a dream to help skirts for girls, to make any little girl fairy princess or Cinderella. Such skirt suit any festive event and will not be redundant in everyday life, little girls will wear them with pleasure, causing the affection and admiration of others.

In adolescence, girls can wear skirts air in everyday life, in school or on a walk. For such a skirt suit any shoes: shoes with small heels, wedges or solid soles. Top ensemble also do not require a special approach. A girl can wear a simple T-shirt, shirt or blouse and look at this charming, causing the admiration of girlfriends and friends.

Take a look at the online store: children's fancy dresses out there to choose pleasure, wide range and reasonable prices, and most importantly, you do your shopping from the comfort of home!

Note to parents: Teens and you

 Parents and teens

Wisdom and prudence of parents, it is necessary to establish a friendly and open relationship with children. It is not always easy, but you need to compromise in any way. How difficult situations and seemingly intractable problems is the way of the teenager.

In situations like this should work rules and restrictions imposed by their parents. There are some recommendations which are much easier to establish appropriate relations between parents and children.

A very important condition not to exercise despotic and categorical in respect of certain aspects of the child's behavior. To obey always and everywhere will not even kid, let alone a teenager. This period of age, is characterized by a keen sense of self-esteem. Therefore, any criticism of the actions, is a very large resistance, and sometimes aggressiveness. Any requirements, parents should put forward a clear and unequivocal manner.

A child must learn to conduct themselves according to their conscience and respect for others. And parents, in turn, should make it clear to the adolescent that they recognize some degree of his innocence. Let him feel that he was under constant parental supervision. For this example, be sure to set a specific time to return home from a party or a disco. These rules will help you to some extent, protect it, and secondly, to teach responsibility.

Of course, you can not fully dictate how your child to live, but to take direct part in his life simply must. The increased needs of adolescents independence should not be a cause of quarrels and scandals among you. In any situation, as it would seem, at first glance, you can always find a middle ground. Reasonable arguments and tactful tone, help you to hear each other and find a way out of the situation, acceptable to both sides.

General principles of parenting, in different families can differ dramatically. Therefore, it is not necessary at all to rely on the experience of other parents at the board or opinions on certain aspects, and it is worth asking. Such exchange of experience, to effectively influence the choice of methods of education of certain qualities of your child. It is no secret that there are times when parents are at a loss. Enlisted the help of friends may have had a similar problem, you will know how to behave.

Try to observe family traditions, teach a teenager to respect the traditions and experience of previous generations. Believe me, a very strong argument not to neglect the care of older, have proper influence on the younger generation. How much stronger foundations in the family, as they met the other members, and so the child will accept them. Adamantly demands that run older brothers and sisters, will not seem old-fashioned or backward.

The internal resistance of the norms and principles of conduct laid down by adults, in most cases, it occurs at a subconscious level. This is an inevitable process, inherent nature. But along with these teens have to control their anger and to be friendly and polite. Overcoming any conflict situation will contribute to the patience and tact to each other. Domestic duties - is an integral part of the development of each child, they help the formation of a sense of responsibility and adulthood.

Article provided by price-list aggregator children's products

How to get rid of child aggression


Many children go through a period - between two and four years - when hitting and biting is a form of communication, often only for the expression of one or another of the condition, for example: "I am angry," or, "I want this."

Lacking even the gift of speech, and thus, unable to even otherwise express their wishes and requests, they tend to resort to fists or sharp baby teeth. Despite the fact that it is a normal stage of child development, such aggressiveness can become a habit.

Children who grow up, learn to suppress their aggression and to communicate with others using spoken language, often become real fighters. With fights kids can get yourself the things to which they aspire, but it will make them outcasts in the children's company and other children are afraid of them.

If your child is in precisely this phase of development, it may soon pass it. To bring this point (and help protect other children!), You can use the tips that will help your child get rid of the aggressive habits.



If you see that your child has not started school, hit another, first go to his victim. Lift the hurt child and say, "Jimmy did not want to hurt you." Then hug him, kiss and spend out of the room.

So you deprive your child's attention, bringing it to a playmate. Suddenly, your child observes that the fun was over and he was left alone. Typically, you want to repeat this 2-3 times - and a fighter realize that aggression is not in his interest.

Establish rules.

From the very beginning Teach your child to respect the rules. Just say, "We do not beat, and no one beats us." For children aged four years and above requirements can be more detailed. Can you say: "In our house there is a rule: if you need a toy, but it plays another child and not give it to you, wait."

Become a guardian angel.

Children use physical violence, often can not cope with its own character. For example, when a toy with which he wants to play, is another baby, unrestrained child may act impulsively, and select it. Will often remind him of the rules you set.

Become his second "I" or a guardian angel.

When the aggressiveness of the child begins to grow, provide him this and offer alternative solutions. Say, for example: "In this situation, you want to hit, but it is wrong. It is better to tell me that you're angry. You can tell me what you want to hit, but you know what to do so should not be."

Beware of the person who offends.

Do not overlook verbal aggression - often it is the beginning of something more serious. The child may be verbal way, "click", forcing playmate retaliate. When this happens, do not blame the person who hit and did not pay attention to the child, causing a fight. The child, who began the verbal aggression, too, should be punished.

Declare a timeout.

The period of calm is often the most effective way to change bad behavior. Small children should be seated in the chairs on the two or three minutes, so nothing distracts them, and the older children sent to their rooms.

Just do not make this sentence. Just explain that takes such a step, because you want everyone to come in order and that all were satisfied. Say, "You can not stop the fight, and I want you to take yourself in hand. That's why I decided to help you. Who will be declared time-out for two or three minutes, as long as you do not calm down."

Praise her efforts.

When children respond properly to do everything to build on these efforts. Tell them: "I like the way you did." Children respond better to praise when they see that parents really happy with them. Needless to say, "Good boy" or "good girl." Children often do not pay attention to it.

Better to say, "You gave me great pleasure when shared with his younger brother, instead of fighting with him. Now I know I can trust you to care for him." Such praise is very important for children. It allows them to feel that they can make a good impression.

Create scenarios for success.

Child bullying others, very quickly notices that the physical aggressiveness brings only limited success. It can take away a toy that he likes, or out of turn the swing, but soon found out that he was left without friends and alone. It may be, he is very interested in how to change their behavior.

We need to try to teach children to think critically.

First, talk with your child what will happen, if it will resort to force. If your child consistently beats other children in the playground, you can tell him: "You know what happens if you do not stop fighting?" He can say, 'I'll be in trouble on the court, the director will call me into his office and remove from the site. " Then you can say to him: "But you want to be praised? What should we do to make your actions are commendable, have been successful?" Children respond readily to it.

Once the child begins to understand that he was waiting for trouble, you can give him the opportunity to correct their behavior. For example, if a child exhibits aggressive on the playground, you can remind him of his desire to improve. Encourage children to ask him politely if he could take part in the game or let him to throw the ball back to the site and will wait until the kids will not call him.

Keep a journal to get rid of bad behavior.

When a small child begins to show signs of aggressiveness, writing a story in which the child is the main character. Using pictures cut from magazines or photographs of the child, create a situation in which the child is behaving with dignity and deserves praise. Talk to him at the time when the child is calm, not nervous. When a child's emotional crisis, is not easy to calm him down.

Share with a child of his imagination.

There are quite an effective method to help your child in a different way to look at his behavior, he is that you share with a child of his imagination. For example, a child who is committed to ensuring that all playground belonged to him alone, can get it ... in the fantasy. Say, "OK, for the entire week only one Tommy would start in the playground. Nobody will use the swings, in addition to Tommy, and everyone will be around and cheering."

After Tommy realizes that his most ambitious dreams are just fantasies - and also funny, I talk to him seriously. Say, "You see, it sounds great, but in reality you can not use a playground for her to play well with other children. So let's figure out how best to proceed."

In extreme cases resort to force.

To keep a child from aggressive attacks, it is possible to use force, but only in the case when this aggression threatens his life or the lives of others. If you still have to resort to force, go to the back of the child and push his hands. Embrace it with their feet and hold his chin out of the reach of his head.

The use of force in some children is furious, but calms others in that you are able to cope with them. Just create the impression that you are holding the baby, trying to calm him down, do not show aggression towards him, so he did not feel as if he is attacked.
