Lunar calendar health September 2014

 Lunar calendar health in September


- The beginning of the warm golden autumn. The human body still needs to obtain additional vitamins and relaxation treatments at the beaches, nature walks, preventive health promotion actions.

Lunar calendar health action plan will help to September 2014 with the maximum benefit to the body. For the health of the Moon has a major impact energy impact, and the lunar calendar warns against unwanted interventions in the functioning of the organs of the body, offers a choice of favorable and unfavorable days for surgical operations, as well as detailed recommendations for nutrition.

Lunar calendar for September 2014 prepared in accordance with the phases of the Moon and its location in the constellations of the zodiac.

September 1

Charity day for the treatment of upper respiratory tract, gargling bring recovery. It is necessary to protect the organs of the urogenital system contraindicated abortion and other gynecological procedures. The power to eliminate fatty foods, to give preference to white meat, potatoes.

September 2

You can do problematic pain in the neck, a massage of the occipital region. Contraindicated surgery on the urogenital organs. Menu variety of dishes of sea fish, cabbage, beans, beets, refuse pork products-allergens.

September 3

There is a risk of the disease of the reproductive system, warns health lunar calendar. A good day for the treatment of diseases of the teeth and lower jaw. From supply should exclude alcohol, spicy foods and limit the bakery. For breakfast stock avocado, banana, pumpkin, turnip.

September 4

There is a threat of injury to the bones, it is not necessary to load the musculoskeletal system and do reposition the vertebrae. Good day to cleanse the body, treatments the stomach and esophagus. Should be excluded from the diet of meats and pickles, to give preference to dairy products, apples, Phyto.

September 5, 2014 g

An unfavorable day for dental treatment. Preferably, take examinations and breast massage. In the menu to give up fat, meat, alcohol, coffee, it recommended the use of fresh fish, jellied meat, spinach.

6 September

It is necessary to limit the walking and keep legs - ankles and shins. Time to do rehabilitation of the cardiovascular system, blood examinations. Indicative any kind of water treatment. Contraindicated surgery on joints, feet, treatment of arthritis. From food to eliminate fatty foods and spices, to give preference to corn, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, advises the lunar calendar.

September 7

There is a fear of a nervous breakdown. Auspicious day for the treatment of back pain, it is very useful to swim. Soothing treatments will not have an effective impact on the nervous system. Preferably abandon acute fried foods, focus on salads.

September 8

Sensitive endocrine glands. It is recommended to do the gastrointestinal tract - a good result will give an enema for bowel cleansing, laxative teas. Operations endocrine and lymphatic system is better to postpone. It is undesirable to eating mushrooms, cocoa, honey, useful low-fat boiled or steamed fish paste.

9th of September

It is necessary to keep the foot and skin. A good day in the lunar calendar to visit the gym to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen. Preferably refuse water treatment, especially in the open air, there is a risk of hypothermia. Avail surgery on the feet. It is advised not to eat citrus fruits and pineapple, it is better to diversify the menu cereals, lean meat, potatoes.

10 September

The exposure of the head and brain vessels. You can do the treatment of the excretory system, kidney cleansing. Not recommended surgery on the head. Because power is desirable to eliminate flour and sweet dishes, prefer watermelons, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers.

11 September

Auspicious day for the treatment of lumbar. Sensitive teeth and oral cavity. Not recommended surgery on the eyes and other senses. It is necessary to give up the use of alcohol and coffee included in the menu of the day seafood, sweet peppers, for dessert pick apples and grapes.

September 12 2014

A problem may arise hypothermia throat, larynx and upper respiratory tract. Good results give health treatments for genitourinary system - aromatic bath with healing herbs. Starvation and other undesirable, overly restrictive diets recommend eating poultry, egg white.

September 13

It is recommended to keep the neck and back of the head, says the lunar calendar. Undesirable operations in the frontal sinuses, temporal part of the head, the ear canal. Indicative aromatherapy health. It should give up the spicy food, give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, a dish of salmon.

September 14

There is a risk of injury to your hands and shoulders. Auspicious day to cleanse the blood. Contraindicated operation on the hands and fingers. We do not recommend the use of alcoholic beverages, it is preferable to add to the menu, cheese, olive oil.

September 15th

Will keep the lungs and bronchi, it is better to abandon planned procedures and operations for these bodies. Good day for a hike to the bathhouse, effective soda-salt body mask. It is necessary to abandon the sharp and fried foods, more rational to include in the menu, wheat, apples, kiwi, watermelon.

16 of September

It is recommended to do cleansing procedures for the liver and gallbladder. It is necessary to move the operations on the esophagus. Exclude from food raw and smoked sausage, add to the diet of senna, plums, figs.

September 17

It is advisable to pay attention to eat foods - maybe food poisoning. Adverse day operations at the esophagus and stomach. Undesirable to eat salty and spicy seasonings, rationally diversify the menu of salads, pumpkin and beetroot.

September 18

Women are advised to keep the breasts. Therapeutic massage on the spine are particularly effective. Operations on the stomach and esophagus unsuccessful. It is better to abandon the pickled vegetables, eat meals with prunes.

September 19, 2014

Favorable time in the lunar calendar for health treatment of joints mud baths. I do not recommend breast surgery, axillary lymph nodes. Sweet tooth wait to feast Butter Cookies and cream cake, to give preference to fish and vegetables steamed.

September 20

The cardiovascular system is exposed to stress. It is better to abandon the operations on the heart and blood vessels. Massages legs effective. We'll have to give up good coffee and tea, preferably the use of fresh fruit and meat.

September 21

Auspicious day to strengthen the nervous system. Positive impact can be expected from the auditory training. It is undesirable to overload the stomach fastvudom and chips. More efficient use of vegetable soups, baked and raw fruits.

September 22

The exposed areas of inflammation of large and small intestines. Not recommended surgery to eliminate hotbeds of inflammation. It is necessary to give up alcoholic drinks on the menu include stews and compotes.

23 September

A positive result will purifying massage the feet and toes. It is advised to clean the lymphatic vessels. Will harm mushroom dishes, should give preference to porridge, seafood.

September 24, 2014 Mr.

Prone to violations of the normal function of the kidneys, bladder and urethra. Try to eliminate undesirable hypothermia and procedures to break up kidney stones and bladder, recommends the lunar calendar. Delete from the menu salted and pickled foods, preferring vinaigrettes.

September 25

Auspicious day for the treatment of eye, ear, teeth. Positive dynamics in the treatment of brain vessels, effective practice of liberation from negative energy. Should dispense with the addition of vinegar in a food, it is recommended to cook squash or eggplant caviar.

September 26

An unfavorable day for surgical procedures on the reproductive organs and the anus. Tempering procedures are contraindicated. Do not overdo the food, give preference salad and pickled vegetables.

September 27

Treatment of upper respiratory tract will be effective for health. Showing rinsing and inhalation throat with herbs, salt compresses. It is necessary to eliminate fried and spicy foods. It is advisable to add to the menu dishes with walnuts and peanuts, pumpkin seeds.

September 28, 2014

Recommended refuse tempering procedures, gynecological surgery. You can not drink alcohol, diet variety of dishes with parsley and onions.

September 29

Not recommended Lunar surgery in the breast area. It is necessary to keep the liver and gallbladder to refrain from receiving acute and fatty foods. It is undesirable to use garlic, radishes, radish. The menu give preference to salads and vinaigrette with vegetable oils - soy, sunflower, olive.

September 30th

Opportunities Threats bleeding. Commendation do wellness hands and fingers, do massage the hands, warming trays. Exclude herbs - cilantro, wild garlic. The nutrition focus on fresh fruits.

Lunar calendar health in August 2014, favorable days
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Lunar calendar health in February 2014 for women and men
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Lunar calendar health in August 2014, favorable days
