We develop healthy self-esteem of the child


Self-esteem of any person having a leading role in its place in social life. In this article you will learn how to develop a normal healthy self-esteem in children.

Equally bad, if it is too high or too low.

In the first case, the man is hard to adapt to society, it is difficult to find a common language with people around him, and it is very difficult to fulfill many of the requirements of society as a man thinks he is higher and better than others.

Inflated self-esteem can lead to legal violations, including the threat to the health and lives of others. Examples are plenty. In one school sons majors, considered themselves children of the gods almost beat a classmate to death only because he did not have the fashionable tablet.

Another group of teenagers to death scored homeless. The guys were absolutely sure that the man has no place among the living. Another example. A certain Victor T. could not find a job, because I thought that it offered too low a job suitable "only for suckers," and he is wonderful, it has to work not less than superior.

In the end, the guy has contacted the criminal group, which consisted of the same "special" as he is. The children were engaged in violations, considering that restoring justice in their society is undervalued. The case ended with a prison.

Low self-esteem leads to an inability to achieve their goals in life, to achieve victories, makes a person forever trail behind events. Such people are also very difficult to adapt to society and find its place in it, it is difficult to self-realization.

Sometimes people with low self-esteem and get to the dock, because he did not disdain to deal with offenses such as theft. After all, they consider themselves unworthy slob, dishonest and so on, that is just so, who are destined to engage in evil deeds.

How to grow from a wonderful plump man child with a normal regular self-esteem?

First of all, parents must understand that their baby, even while lying in diapers and write in diapers, but he was a little person. The person must be respected and that it be considered. For a start it does not mean to ignore the screaming child, but not to indulge his slightest breath.

I must say, the earlier a child learns the basic rules, the easier it will be in the future, because its growth in the number of these rules will also grow. Gradually add to the family rules of the kindergarten, the rules of conduct on the street, school rules, and so on. So the need to slowly start to teach the child to them.

And to make it easier both to him and to you, you should try to spend with your baby more time to respond seriously to his naive, sometimes even silly questions, find the time to talk about the world and his place in it.

Of course, serious conversations with the child are carried out in accordance with his age, but necessarily so, to call it interest, inspire, cause the desire to tell something of their own.

To a child self-respect, you need to show him that you respect him, too. For example, advice to him, it is better to buy a thing to do first, and which second, and so on.

It will be very good if you charge the kid some work in the house and be sure to praise him if he would try to carry this thing and bring to a conclusion. Praise the child to say what he had done, for what woke up and got out of bed, not worth it, otherwise he soon will build to achieve the rank of hands washed or eaten muffin.

Some ask whether the child be punished for what and how much. There are those who advise neglect all, they say, the child gets older and he will figure everything out. This statement is completely wrong. Yes, the child gets older. But if he will not explain how to do it is not necessary, that in his heart he will not accept it ever.

Another thing that does not need to beat the obedience of the children. So your child learns quite another rule - might makes right. The golden mean punishment is to explain and personal example.

A small child usually considers their parents the best in the world, almost wizards and like a sponge soaks up their manners, style of behavior, learning from the example of their actions. So you should try to use it the perfect time to maximum advantage.

Yet to create a child's right of self-esteem should always show him that he is loved and appreciated simply because it is he, not because he is some kind of extraordinary.

His love can be shown in different ways, for example, to tell him, to give him something nice, but in no case do not express love in terms of money, that is, in its various zadarivanii gifts.

Yes, you really have to love your child and take it for what it is, in any case, not shame him if is he something does not work, do not knock out of him genius and certainly not ignore his victory even the smallest. Thus, you will be able to properly develop normal and healthy self-esteem in children.

Since childhood, we teach the child to be successful

 Learn how to be successful

Abilities and skills of adults is much higher than that of the child and to compare them is pointless. And he easily would have won in any competition or game. But if parents are constantly won to the child in some kind of game, then raised to human self-doubt, the loser who believes in the fact that all of what he or he will take nothing.

It should be very careful to give in, so that the child perceives the victory successful achievement. At the same time you need to know when to slow down the game "giveaway." Easy win relax the baby, but he needs to win, exerting maximum effort.

In order for your a graduate won the game, it is recommended to play the game at full power until the middle, and finally at the crucial moment to make a mistake. An adult would have to play two games at once, with the first child and the second "acting." After all, if your opponent discovers that he give in, it will cease to strive and become complacent.

In every person's life is not all, as you want and in the way the child will become an obstacle, some of them, it may not overcome. Such situations can end to spreading toys and tantrums, but this is not the worst. The child, because some failures can be a long time to maintain a sense of frustration from their actions or abilities.

A child needs to quietly for him to help. At that moment when a child that does not work, and growing tension need to help him fix the time from which everything went wrong, and then give free rein.

In the moment when the child achieves a brilliant result, and remains convinced of the independence of self-esteem and increases a desire to achieve great success. In the case of resistance medium child to cultivate a spirit of competition and the failure, in turn, will not be able to bring him a sense of gloom. If he suffers a defeat in the first attempt, the child may lose confidence. And if you understand that it can not win, then subsequent attempts at all can not be.

In order to help your child find success, and with it the confidence necessary to select a class for him in such a way so as not to focus on its failures. If a child is going to build a house from the designer, choose to start large part to the process is faster and easier.

When building a house will be delayed because of the size or other characteristics of the starting material, the child simply tired, bored him, and he dropped the case, and not bringing it to the end. Great motivation for the child will be the approval of the parents and their praise. This is one of the most important stages. The child should know and understand why it is a small victory so significant.

Success depends on the self-esteem of man.

Research group of American psychologists have shown that children with high self-esteem grew up in families where parents openly showed their love for him and is more understanding, but at the same time complying with the rules of discipline and a certain order.

In contrast, children with low self-esteem brought up in an atmosphere of permissiveness, which automatically created a sense of insecurity and uncertainty. Young people who have achieved great success, brought up in an atmosphere where consistently and accurately set and carry out the tasks required of them tough to be responsible for their actions.
