What to do in a full moon

 What to do in a full moon

The full moon has always attracted its extraordinary beauty, mystery and mystery. After this phase of the moon react as the nature, flora and fauna, as well as mere mortals. So, what can and should be doing better than the full moon, and that the three phases of the moon can not be done, read the article.

Some complain of insomnia and bad health, someone appears mentally unstable, and for creative people is the "golden time" -poyavlyaetsya inspiration. But in fact, the satellite is nothing unusual happens - a solid physics.

It is no secret that this period strengthens both positive and negative emotions, human qualities. But not all people have the effect of the Moon. More resistant to "Hypnosis" this cosmic beauties did not even change the rhythm of work.

And if you compare the moon with changeable woman, you should find out what you can do with the full moon, and what should be avoided?

The lunar cycle affects the health of people

The moon affects the vital biorhythms. On this basis, we will adjust their sleep. If the full moon causes of insomnia, you should heed the advice of yoga, no matter how ridiculous it did not show: during sleep should be positioned so that you fell the moonlight, especially the full moon. This dream harmonises energy and brings peace of mind.

These days there is an increased pressure in humans, thereby providing bleeding. Avoid any operation, whether the removal of a tooth that is more serious. Good appoint survey - in this phase of the moon is easier to find a hidden problem in the body.

The full moon is much more clearly manifested side effects from medication. And no matter how you imagine your life without your favorite "bad" habits, the full moon eliminate coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarettes. In this cycle, alcohol can do wonders with the "minus" and the effect on the person becomes unpredictable.

According to statistics at the full moon increases the number of accidents. During this period, try to avoid the different movements, especially long-distance travel.

Do not plan during a full moon any serious negotiations, business meetings, serious conversations with the people you love, watch out their and their nervous system from shocks.

Full Moon - time to show their talents

What to do in a full moon people active, how to realize themselves and where to find his muse? It is this phase of the moon is to those who can not imagine themselves without work. Be creative, write their masterpieces when the window for you peeps round disk of the full moon.

If you have something to tell the world to make a sensational discovery, or start a new project, the full moon - a good time for this.

If you are an amateur gardener, then you should know that these days the plant will cost over without your love and care. Nothing can be transplanted, crop, sow. The only thing that is allowed to do - cut flowers for bouquets and plant the plants.

Lunar tips

During the reign of the full Moon postpone any cosmetic procedure: beauty they will not increase, but can cause allergies. The same advice applies to hair painting.

If you are drawn to the "exploits", do not play a good hostess: Do not make spring cleaning, do not dispose of unneeded things. This "revolutionary" attitude is deceptive.

But for devotees of the popular recipe - it's time to collect medicinal plants, healing power which that rises above the ground.

Explore the Moon, listen to yourself, feel its impact.

Due to the Moon to become the best. After all, if the inhabitants of the heavens still have an impact on the inhabitants of the Earth, their feelings, emotions and the right to dispose of life we ​​and only we.

Lunar calendar and loving relationship

 Lunar calendar

Science has proven that between the state of the Moon, and the physical characteristics of the people on our planet, there is a fairly tight relationship. This main satellite of the Earth has an impact on many spheres of human activity.

Romance gender relations are no exception in this case. And even on the contrary, the most active moon exerts influence precisely this area of ​​our lives. Therefore astrologers strongly recommend to take into account the state of the moon in the construction of love relationships.

So, try to relate our behavior with certain lunar phases. In the phase of the new moon, experts advise to refuse to take serious decisions and are advised not to make plans to build a personal life.

But the phase of the full moon, on the contrary, is considered the heyday of romantic feelings. The period of the growing Moon offers to all undertakings, but waning Moon, on the other hand does not contribute to any active actions and does not encourage them.

You can make a more detailed list, when the influence of the moon promotes the development of romantic relationships.

So, the 1st lunar day is considered fatal: everything you wish can come true. Experts advise attaches dreams and fantasies about their future half. Dream and plan the day!

2nd day of the lunar calendar, the astrologers advised to devote the development of his inner voice and sixth sense. At this time, you have to be attentive to others and listen to the intuitive sense.

Determining considered the 6th lunar month: the day is likely to feel the future relations and their development. If you are already in a relationship, you can see their future direction.

In the 11 th day of the lunar calendar, according to experts, increased activity and energy. On this day, you have to be ready for an explosion of emotion and intensity of feeling.

Auspicious day for making serious decisions are considered to be the 17th lunar day. It is the most successful for weddings and other conscious steps. You can act and plan!

The most enterprising day should be 21 days of the lunar calendar. On this day, any active measures in relation to your other half moon encouraged.

And finally, it is noted that in the 9, 13, 15, 19, 23 and 26 lunar day should not make any decisions, especially serious, and start dating.

These days, according to astrologers, do not bode well!

Moon is not active these days.

Will the end of the world December 21, 2012

 Prophecies Mayaya

It all started with the fact that American archaeologists found the famous Mayan calendar, which was established in the 9th century.

According to some preserved records, scientists were able to determine that ends with the calendar of the ancient tribe is December 21, 2012.

After it learned journalists wave of panic took place around the world. People from different corners of the world began to talk about the coming apocalypse. Fuel to the fire poured the great predictions of Vanga and the famous Nostradamus, who in one voice asserted that the 2012-th year will not bring anything good to people.

Now the doomsday theme is one of the most popular media. But the question "whether all the same end of the world? "Remains open. How many people, so many opinions. Some people go to extremes and trying to manage the short term to do what is not yet done. Others continue to live as they lived in the belief that the impending apocalypse is just a way to divert attention from the current political and economic problems. In any case the whole world is waiting for "the day of judgment."

Referring to the predictions of the Maya, and the prophecies of famous visionaries, we will have several scenarios.

The first variant.

On the appointed day, according to the Mayan calendar in the history of mankind will begin a new period. Many talk about the so-called change of epochs when humanity will enter a new energy level.

Option Two - more believable.

According to the calculations of scientists, December 21 there will be a celestial phenomenon, as the parade of planets. Some of the planets in our solar system are ranked and will be on the other side of the sun.

Some sources said that the construction of such planets is somewhat different from what they were before. That is why it is believed that the Earth can not survive in these conditions and in the end, all people expect global cataclysm.

The third variant is associated with the approach of Nibiru to Earth.

This strange planet accused in the ice age, and the extinction of dinosaurs, as well as the disappearance of Atlantis. What is it strange? According to some reports every 3600 years the planet comes close to the Earth, emitting powerful gravitational force that entails a catastrophe of immeasurable proportions. At the same time the ancient tribes of Mayas and Aztecs believed that the planet has long died. Each source says differently.

The last scenario is increasingly believe Christians. The Bible says that people expect the day of judgment, which all appear before the judgment of God. It will happen when Jesus Christ will come down to earth again to punish all sinners. However, the exact date is not specified in the Bible, accordingly, no one on Earth can not know when it's the apocalypse.

As you can see, the options are many, but if the prophecies come true, and whether the end of the world December 21, 2012, no one knows, but believe it or not - you decide.

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