How to make natural deodorant with their hands


The article presents the different recipes and a detailed description of how to make natural deodorant with their hands. Liquid, solid, dry deodorant for female fans of all natural, made with his own hands.

What we look forward to summer! And when it all still comes, we all face the problem of sweating. The shops eyes run from a vast number of species of deodorant.

Many people suffer from having very sensitive skin. They are particularly hard to pick up a tool to combat the sweating. This is due to allergic reactions to certain ingredients that make up the anti-perspirant. In this case, may come to the aid of tools, hand made from natural products.

Thus, different recipes for a detailed description of how to correctly make a natural deodorant and antiperspirant hands.

Hard natural deodorant

Gather the tube from the old deodorant: thoroughly wash and dry. Only then proceed to the preparation. Mix two teaspoons of starch, three teaspoons of baking soda and two teaspoons of cocoa - butter.

Put warm water bath to melt the butter. When all will melt, add two capsules of vitamin E and any essential oil. Plus, this deodorant is that you can choose the essential oil that you like the most.

After the mixture has acquired a homogeneous mass, merge it into the prepared tube (to avoid that the mixture can be fused at the bottom, it is necessary to put a cotton pad or any cloth). Then close the lid and put in refrigerator to complete solidification.

Here is another, no less effective solid deodorant

Take a saucepan, melt the cocoa butter over low heat, then add coconut oil and beeswax. Once all the ingredients blend until smooth, add a teaspoon of baking soda 4 tablespoons of arrowroot and drip any essential oil 15 drops. Merge to the tube, cool, and give all you can use.

How to make natural deodorant spray

Before you begin to cook deodorant podyschu desired container with spray. It also should be thoroughly washed with hot water and dry. We proceed to the process of producing an agent.

In a small container put two teaspoons of the rosemary, pour boiling water and wait ten minutes. Then filtered, cooled, mixed with alcohol, just a few drops (90%) and add any essential oil you liked. Pour the liquid into the prepared container and set to infuse in a dark place for two weeks.

Dry antiperspirant own hands

This tool is very easy to make your own hands. To do this, we need to once again prepare first container into which we pour all.

Let's get started, mix two tablespoons of baking soda and two tablespoons of starch and two kinds of oil, five drops: tea tree and any other essential oil. Pours all dry jar and store in a dry place. If you break the rules of storage, the starch absorbs moisture and will roll lumps.

These funds have made with their own hands - a great solution for people with sensitive skin, and for fans of natural remedies. These recipes will help you to understand the difficult situation, when you run a deodorant, and you urgently need to go somewhere.

Rejuvenating Body Scrub Lakshmi to your home with their own hands


Already more than one hundred years, a resident of India surprised the world with its beauty. And all because women still use ancient recipes handed down from generation to generation.

Body Scrub Lakshmi is one of those recipes that have been used for not the first hundred years. Named after the ancient scrub, fabulously beautiful goddess of fortune and wealth - Lakshmi.

This natural remedy will help you in the fight against cellulite, it also has excellent anti-aging, toning and cleansing the body.

In order to make the scrub Lakshmi at home with their own hands, you will need the following ingredients:

1 Sugar, 0, 5 cups
Sea salt 2-0, 5 cups
3 Olive oil-less than 0, 5 cups
4-1 cup honey
Carnation 5 stars 4-5
6 cardamom capsules 4-6
7 Two pinches of dried ginger
8 Two pinches of cinnamon
9 One pinch of turmeric
10 Essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper and limetta 5-10 drops of each
11 Melted butter or oil "ghee" -1 tablespoon
12 Coriander one pinch

Preparation of natural body scrub consists of two parts

First, you should mix sea-salt and sugar and slowly stir into the olive oil. Pour a little oil, will absorb much salt and sugar. After that, you should alternately add the essential oils, all tightly film that would be oil or disappeared.

Once the first part is ready to proceed to the second. In the water bath set honey. Once the honey has become liquid, stirring it add all the spices. Once the consistency has become homogeneous, and honey absorbed all the spices, making the flavor, should be removed from the heat.

Further, stirring constantly to combine a mixture of salt and sugar with warm melted honey, and last of all, add a spoonful of melted butter. All you need is a miracle cover and give infusions per day.

Keep rejuvenating scrub you quite a long time in compliance with all the rules of the two - must lie in the dark scrub dishes in a cool place.

After the scrub Lakshmi Currently, you can start using the body.

Before using the miracle - the funds needed to thoroughly clean pea or oatmeal, steamed skin and then apply the scrub massage movements.

Do not hurry, follow this procedure to enjoy to the full, because in addition to cosmetic action, Lakshmi is very useful for health.

For example, juniper essential oil used for the prevention of arthritis, rheumatism, and also has antiseptic and healing effect. Oil limetta helps to cope with depression and gives peace of mind.

Once you Used vehicle 8-10 minutes on the skin, it should be washed off well with oat or pea flour, it will help you to remove the remaining oil.

The only caveat - before the application is necessary to put a little on your skin and make sure that you do not cause allergies. And if you do not have allergies, do not hesitate to use it on a weekly basis, and your skin will become, like the Hindu goddess Lakshmi - radiant and forever young.

Rejuvenating Body Scrub Lakshmi to your home with their own hands


Already more than one hundred years, a resident of India surprised the world with its beauty. And all because women still use ancient recipes handed down from generation to generation.

Body Scrub Lakshmi is one of those recipes that have been used for not the first hundred years. Named after the ancient scrub, fabulously beautiful goddess of fortune and wealth - Lakshmi.

This natural remedy will help you in the fight against cellulite, it also has excellent anti-aging, toning and cleansing the body.

In order to make the scrub Lakshmi at home with their own hands, you will need the following ingredients:

1 Sugar, 0, 5 cups
Sea salt 2-0, 5 cups
3 Olive oil-less than 0, 5 cups
4-1 cup honey
Carnation 5 stars 4-5
6 cardamom capsules 4-6
7 Two pinches of dried ginger
8 Two pinches of cinnamon
9 One pinch of turmeric
10 Essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper and limetta 5-10 drops of each
11 Melted butter or oil "ghee" -1 tablespoon
12 Coriander one pinch

Preparation of natural body scrub consists of two parts

First, you should mix sea-salt and sugar and slowly stir into the olive oil. Pour a little oil, will absorb much salt and sugar. After that, you should alternately add the essential oils, all tightly film that would be oil or disappeared.

Once the first part is ready to proceed to the second. In the water bath set honey. Once the honey has become liquid, stirring it add all the spices. Once the consistency has become homogeneous, and honey absorbed all the spices, making the flavor, should be removed from the heat.

Further, stirring constantly to combine a mixture of salt and sugar with warm melted honey, and last of all, add a spoonful of melted butter. All you need is a miracle cover and give infusions per day.

Keep rejuvenating scrub you quite a long time in compliance with all the rules of the two - must lie in the dark scrub dishes in a cool place.

After the scrub Lakshmi Currently, you can start using the body.

Before using the miracle - the funds needed to thoroughly clean pea or oatmeal, steamed skin and then apply the scrub massage movements.

Do not hurry, follow this procedure to enjoy to the full, because in addition to cosmetic action, Lakshmi is very useful for health.

For example, juniper essential oil used for the prevention of arthritis, rheumatism, and also has antiseptic and healing effect. Oil limetta helps to cope with depression and gives peace of mind.

Once you Used vehicle 8-10 minutes on the skin, it should be washed off well with oat or pea flour, it will help you to remove the remaining oil.

The only caveat - before the application is necessary to put a little on your skin and make sure that you do not cause allergies. And if you do not have allergies, do not hesitate to use it on a weekly basis, and your skin will become, like the Hindu goddess Lakshmi - radiant and forever young.
