Care for oily, dry and sensitive skin in winter

 Face Care

With the onset of winter, many beautiful women notice that the skin is a series of changes. Cold air has a devastating effect on any skin type, because nature, alas, has made it the most vulnerable to low temperatures. The face and hands are taking the whole "blow" a frosty element and that is why should be paid to care for them attention. Below are tips for each particular type of skin, good care of oily, dry and sensitive skin in the winter at home.

Proper care of oily skin

The most difficult period for oily skin prone to a summer. In hot weather, the sebaceous glands work harder and therefore it is difficult to find the fair sex without toning and refreshing wipes in your purse.

It would seem, what problems may arise with oily skin in winter?

However, there are a lot of difficulties. Cold wind mercilessly destroys the natural protection of the skin in any case, regardless of its type. Daily washing can only complicate the situation. Tap water contains "aggressive" chemical elements, literally washing off the protective shell of the skin, thereby making it more vulnerable to winter frosts.

To prevent dehydration of the skin in the winter should abandon tonics and lotions, as part of which there is alcohol. A particularly positive impact on the appearance cryomassage. If every morning to wipe the skin with ice, your face will look great rest of the day!

Once a week to do the peeling. If we neglect this procedure dead skin cells build up on the surface, resulting in oily skin inflamed. Soft Peeling Mask gently cleanse the face, and a moisturizer to restore the water-salt balance of the skin.

Care for dry skin in the winter

Owners of dry skin can only sympathize. Already almost devoid of moisture and weather-beaten surface of the skin on it there is a lot of microcracks. They are very easy to get to various bacteria and irritate the delicate skin of the face. To avoid this, you can purchase a special protective cream.

In winter, in contrast to the summer period, welcome cosmetics. Light layer of foundation protects the delicate areas of the face from the cold and wind, though weak, but still dangerous UV radiation.

After a walk in the fresh air, do not forget to apply a moisturizer. Choose products based on natural medicinal herbs. For dry skin are ideal: nettle, peppermint, chamomile, mother and stepmother, yarrow, and St. John's wort.

Proper care for sensitive skin in winter

The main problem of this type is a heightened sensitivity to temperature changes. Blood vessels are too close to the skin surface and is therefore unable to withstand the abrupt change of temperature in winter.

To help in the fight against "capricious" sensitive skin can daisy. Among the many useful properties of this plant are two badly needed for sensitive skin. It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the irritated areas.

Morning wash chamomile infusion pharmacy give sensitive skin healthy and fresh appearance. If every day to carry out these simple procedures, even in the winter skin is like snow - clean, fresh and radiant.

Daily and deep cleansing facial at home

 Cleansing the skin

Every day, the face of an ordinary woman to endure these tests. Well, firstly, it is, of course, makeup. Even if only qualitative, perfectly suitable for the type and age of the skin, with a margin of shelf life, cosmetics, it still lies on the face, at least 8 hours, and sometimes longer. What can we say about cosmetics "random" does not comply with these parameters?

In addition, the sweat and sebaceous glands of the body work without breaks, allocation of these glands are mixed with makeup, clogging the pores, preventing breathing. Added to this are the negative external impacts: dirt and dust deposited on the skin during the day, also do not contribute to its rejuvenation.

Is it any wonder various kinds of rashes and irritation, appear on the skin. To avoid potential problems, it must be remembered that the cleansing - one of the most important conditions for the proper and competent skin care.

Daily cleansing facial

Daily cleaning depends on the type of skin. For example, owners of normal skin type is easiest to pick up the cleaning agent. It can be as various gels and foams for washing, and ordinary soap. Oily skin is best cleaned with special means for oily skin containing surfactants, which perfectly remove grease extraction and sweat from his face.

As for dry or sensitive skin, it is often, it does not tolerate washing. It should be cleaned and a special cosmetic milk fat creams.

The main rule of cleansing - the skin should be clean at night. The remains of cosmetics, any kind of dirt must be removed before going to bed.

After cleansing the skin nourishing cream is always applied, and it is absolutely correct. But few people remember that in ten minutes after application of this tool, it must be sure to remove the excess tissue. After all, during this time the skin has time to absorb the right amount of cream and the rest just clog the pores, bringing on the "no" all previous efforts.

Deep cleansing at home

In addition to daily cleansing, should practice deep cleansing facial. Cleansing masks and peels, selected according to the type of the skin, remove dead skin particles of skin, cleanse the pores, make the skin smoother and softer, allowing it to better absorb nutrients creams. But to get involved in similar procedures and do not need them often enough once a week.

Scrubs and peels

At home, prepare scrubs and peels can be yourself. For example, the fine table salt - a versatile peeling suitable for all skin types. If you mix it with gel for washing and for a few minutes, gently rubbing, applied to the skin, the skin becomes noticeably fresher and more tender.

And if you add salt to the mask of sour cream and cream, it will not only cleans, but moisturizing effect. The same universal scrub can be made from crushed oatmeal. And when you add them to the various components (yogurt, honey, sour cream), and skin gets more power.

It is not necessary to save time, effort and money for the proper care, as clean and well-groomed skin is a sign of youth and health. It gives confidence in its irresistible, allowing a woman to look radiant and attractive.

Home care for your hands, tools

 Hand Care

Your skin needs special care, as it can give the age of the hands of women. Your skin is very thin and sensitive, also often adversely affected by the environment (wind, cold, etc.), household chores, household chemicals, care for your hands.

Home Hand Care

One of the negative factors is regular hand-washing. It is important to remember that it is necessary to wash hands with warm water exclusively, it is recommended to only use a gentle baby soap, because it consists of high-quality fats, which contribute to the effective mitigation of the skin of hands. After the hands are washed, they should be carefully wipe, when it is not necessary to stretch the skin, as it is not necessary to use a very tough towel.

Today, women often suffer from cracks and blisters on the hands, which can seriously damage the appearance. Get rid of these problems does not help a beautiful design polish or hand massage.

In order to get rid of calluses and cracks need to regularly use a special cream, which includes vitamin A, just before going to bed should be done with a compress using the same cream. For such a compress, it is necessary to clean skin apply a thick layer of hand cream and then hand wrapped in gauze and put on special gloves cellophane. On the morning of the wrap should be removed.

To soften rough and rough skin you need to take a small slice of apple and rub his skin, then wash your hands well and put on your skin special nourishing cream.

Also very good is a mask made from potatoes - we must take the boiled potatoes and mash it, then add a small amount of flour and milk. Stir the mixture and apply to the skin, leave for 15 minutes, ie, then nutsedge with warm water. After completion of this procedure should be applied to the skin nourishing cream.

Very often there is such unpleasant problem as sweating hands. To solve this problem, you can use vinegar or salt baths. For preparation of such baths must take one liter of water and dissolved therein a table. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of salt.

Nail Tools

Very often, the nails start to exfoliate greatly and become very brittle. To prevent the process of starting the bundle of nails is recommended to regularly use a special cream, which includes vitamin A.

It is also important to do all the household chores only in rubber gloves to avoid contact with the delicate skin of the hands of an aggressive household cleaning products. It detergents and washing powders may cause deformation and brittle nails.

To become stronger nails need to make regular soda baths. To prepare the bath solution must take a glass of water and dissolve in it a table. spoonful of soda food. In such a bath it is necessary to hold hands, be exactly 20 minutes. Very soon you will notice that your nails become stronger and no longer stratify.

With regular care of the hands, the skin becomes smooth and silky, and do not forget to make regular manicure.
