The basic component of the image, how to create a new image


Recently, the vocabulary and conversation, a new word and image. Until recently, about him no one knew anything. If a little turn to history, we must say that it first appeared in England and is the image that is the impression or, as they say, the mirror image of personality.

And in today's world, the word took its rightful place. As soon as you pronounce the word, image, instantly gives the impression of beauty and harmony.

And if to speak seriously about the image, it is necessary to say that it was he who acts like as a question and the answer from us by others. That is the image we create, and the answer we get from others, because perceived as the image of the surrounding, so we created this, that kind of image.

By creating its own image, as if we were working on their I and himself in particular in order to carry out the transfer of his personality, his self in another, and take us around the world.

We separately from each other as a kind of people around to ask such a simple question, but if I was? And in relation to that of others, we understand how productive we were able to take the trouble on himself, beginning with his raisin, which gradually transformed into the image.

And as soon as you receive a positive perception, you can, with confidence to continue as the path chosen is correct, and should continue to work in this direction. Thus, there is an opportunity to show themselves, others say about themselves, to emphasize their dignity, and even hide in some degree disadvantages.

And due to the fact that the first impression has always played a big role in how you perceive what you look like, what kind of impression is created, in which case you must not for a moment to stop work on the other. Even if it seems that the peak of excellence achieved and would like to work longer than the above.

Only a systematic improvement to yield positive results. After the image has the properties of the waste to fade. If over it to work or make something new, it gradually seemed to have beauty, can turn into a gray mouse.

To create its image, all methods are good. This may be a change of clothes, and hair, and even a change of appearance. But more is still favored working out to create the image, it is working on their own style of clothing, hairstyle, and of course, and behavior.

After all, to be beautifully dressed with elegant hairstyle, and inability to behave in society, at work and even at home, all the efforts for the creation of their image are reduced to zero and all the work on yourself, you might say, has been made in vain.

In general, in order to create your image, you need to visit a stylist clothes, cosmetics stylist, stylist, hairdresser, as well as take courses of etiquette and rules of behavior in society. Having learned all the basics, introducing them into your life, can all play a huge role on the ability to establish itself here is such an image and charm.

The basic component of the image, how to create a new image


Recently, the vocabulary and conversation, a new word and image. Until recently, about him no one knew anything. If a little turn to history, we must say that it first appeared in England and is the image that is the impression or, as they say, the mirror image of personality.

And in today's world, the word took its rightful place. As soon as you pronounce the word, image, instantly gives the impression of beauty and harmony.

And if to speak seriously about the image, it is necessary to say that it was he who acts like as a question and the answer from us by others. That is the image we create, and the answer we get from others, because perceived as the image of the surrounding, so we created this, that kind of image.

By creating its own image, as if we were working on their I and himself in particular in order to carry out the transfer of his personality, his self in another, and take us around the world.

We separately from each other as a kind of people around to ask such a simple question, but if I was? And in relation to that of others, we understand how productive we were able to take the trouble on himself, beginning with his raisin, which gradually transformed into the image.

And as soon as you receive a positive perception, you can, with confidence to continue as the path chosen is correct, and should continue to work in this direction. Thus, there is an opportunity to show themselves, others say about themselves, to emphasize their dignity, and even hide in some degree disadvantages.

And due to the fact that the first impression has always played a big role in how you perceive what you look like, what kind of impression is created, in which case you must not for a moment to stop work on the other. Even if it seems that the peak of excellence achieved and would like to work longer than the above.

Only a systematic improvement to yield positive results. After the image has the properties of the waste to fade. If over it to work or make something new, it gradually seemed to have beauty, can turn into a gray mouse.

To create its image, all methods are good. This may be a change of clothes, and hair, and even a change of appearance. But more is still favored working out to create the image, it is working on their own style of clothing, hairstyle, and of course, and behavior.

After all, to be beautifully dressed with elegant hairstyle, and inability to behave in society, at work and even at home, all the efforts for the creation of their image are reduced to zero and all the work on yourself, you might say, has been made in vain.

In general, in order to create your image, you need to visit a stylist clothes, cosmetics stylist, stylist, hairdresser, as well as take courses of etiquette and rules of behavior in society. Having learned all the basics, introducing them into your life, can all play a huge role on the ability to establish itself here is such an image and charm.

The reasons for the appearance of cellulite and elimination methods


Cellulite or orange peel. This is a problem faced by every woman. And every girl wants to get rid of this disease.

Tsellyulit- is structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer.

The blame for these changes garmony- female estrogens. They are working on krovyanosnye vessels, clogging them, in consequence, to the tissue receives less oxygen and nutrients. Fat cells in the body are arranged like a honeycomb. Toxins and liquid fat can not excreted.

The fat cells are subsequently also clogged. These tissues are hardened and become dense and form dimples on the skin. With age, there is a process exacerbated by the ripples. All this is known as cellulite.

The main reasons for the appearance of cellulite:

1. lifestyle

2. Heredity

3. stresses

4. excitement

5. poor environment

6. wrong food

7. bad habits

Beauticians usually distinguish four stages of cellulite:

In the first phase - the cellulite is almost imperceptible, but when pinching the skin.
On the second - it is visible when you sit.
In the third - seen in the supine position.
On the fourth - it has spread so much that it is almost impossible to remove.

Modern methods of elimination

To get rid of cellulite should not be reserved dyuzhenym patience.
There are some modern techniques that help fight cellulite better - it is:

1. Reduction of body fat
2. Eliminating gormanalnyh disturbances in the body
3. Exposure to radio frequency radiation on problem areas
4. Introduction of enzymes and vitamins under the skin
5. Laser therapy
6. Liposktsiya - the most effective method to eliminate cellulite and problem skin ustreneniya

Inefficient methods of acting as a complement to the main

1. Creams, dirt and many other means of topical
2. Massages
3. Supplements and folk remedies
4. Wraps
5. Ionotermiya
6. Elektromezoterapiya

Cellulite treatment will take you a lot of time and effort. If you find yourself at this disease, do not be upset. Just to take his medication. If you do everything on time and not run, then treat cellulite in the initial stages will be much easier than in the third or fourth. Thank you for attention.

The reasons for the appearance of cellulite and elimination methods
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