Congratulations on the day of the Holy Trinity in prose

 Congratulations on the Trinity in prose

Congratulations on the big Orthodox holiday of the Trinity friends and relatives in prose


I congratulate you with the holy feast of the Holy Trinity! On this day, the apostles of Jesus Christ received the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came upon them, and blessed them with His holy presence!

Suppose that from this day your life will always be filled with Him and His holy presence! May the blessings of the Holy Trinity descend on you and change the life!


The Holy Spirit - is "parakletos" - that is, from the Greek - "assistant" and in the Bible He is called the Spirit of consolation. I congratulate you with a warm celebration of the Holy Trinity, which was the day the Holy Spirit come down on the ground, on the day that a lot has changed in Christianity!

Let this day be for you the beginning of comfort that brings to life of every believer Holy -Duh.

May this day fill you with His holiness and love!


Let each new day brings you joy to God and God's blessing! Today - the day of the Holy Trinity, the day when the Apostles almost 2,000 years ago, in obedience to Christ's command were waiting for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. On this day, God appeared to him in his third incarnation!

The Holy Spirit baptized them to help them in the future to build a church, and gave gifts of healing, prophecy and other gifts. Let your every day be filled with God's miracles and His joy!


I wish you with all my heart all the good in the Holy Trinity Day! May God's blessings will always be with you and may His love will fill you every day! On this day, almost 2,000 years ago, there was a feast of Pentecost, and the disciples waited for the promised Holy Spirit. God's promise fulfilled and he appeared to them in the third person of his, has blessed them and blesses us so far!

Let the Holy Trinity will always be your patron saint! May God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit always cares about you and always surrounds you with His love!


Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit be upon you in this wonderful day! Let You shall protect the life path the angels of God and let your life be filled with sunshine and happiness!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Holy Trinity!

Pictures of Pentecost

 Trinity photos

Day of the Holy Trinity, the great Christian holiday June 3, 2012

Photos and pictures of the Trinity

Trinity photos

 Trinity Photos, Pictures

Trinity Pictures 2012

 Day of the Holy Trinity Photo

Day of the Holy Trinity Photo

 Trinity Pictures

Trinity photos Pentecost

 Trinity photos Pentecost

Pentecost 2012 Photo

 Trinity photos

Pentecost pictures

 Trinity Pictures

Pentecost 2012 Photo

 Day of the Holy Trinity Photo

May God keep you

 May God keep you

Trinity verses church holiday greetings

 Verses about the Trinity, Pentecost, Pentecost, a poem on the theme of the Trinity


Great natural beauty,

Today, all calls to the supplication,

Birches how easy their purity,

Leaves rustle and it seemed to sigh:

"Come now to the temple and pray,

At Trinity prayer thrice holy,

We see the angels take away the word up,

In the fiftieth day of the Resurrection.

As in the rays of the sun now,

After all, the nature of the holiday update

Armful of freshly cut grass,

The temple in the late afternoon prayer grasp.

Go well, go to the foot of the altar,

Suffering souls anxious excitement

And the young shoots of our branches

And the will of Our Lady meek humility. "

Heeding birches, the day really holy,

With nature now everything is one,

In the language of any prayer lifting up

Holy Spirit and the Father and the Son.

Trinity poems congratulations


I wish you would not,

Only in the temple today will bring,

Armfuls of flowers and birch trees,

Zazelenevshuyu beauty.

I will stretch you in the palm of your hand,

The Lantern bright candle

May the Holy Spirit will come to you,

I really want this.

Author Tamara Salnikov


On the day of the Holy Trinity

I want to wish happiness.

And good let remembered

And you will not get bored!

Let health be with you,

Suppose that you will love.

And I congratulate the Trinity

All of you, of course, again and again!


On the day of the Trinity I wish you

Come and pray at the temple.

Let happiness come upon you,

And this is a nice hour.

Let the angels descend from heaven,

Joy-Love will bring you!

Trinity church holiday greetings


My friend, my dear!

The trio, I want to wish you

Be kind and gentle, beautiful, of course,

And to love in the heart to last forever!


Today, the feast of the saint,

I wish my dear mom

Be always healthy and always happy,

And that did not leave the vigorous strength!

That heart was filled with fire,

A difficulty - they will live together.

On the day of the Trinity Angels take a look from the sky,

And bring you peace of comfort!


I wish good luck for the whole family,

In this sacred holiday here!

Let off all the bad weather,

Let scared misfortune!

Trinity is in fact a sacred day,

Let him come blessing!

Happiness is secret,

And, of course, incorruptible!

Congratulate your relatives and friends with the church Pentecost
