International Museum Day, the history and traditions of the holiday

 Holiday International Museum Day on May 18 story, theme, Night of Museums 2011

Every year, employees of museums around the world traditionally celebrate their professional holiday - namely, the International Museum Day - which is usually celebrated on May 18th.

This wonderful holiday appeared on the calendar in 1977. It was then at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums was accepted offer of the Russia concerning the establishment of the cultural festival.

Already since 1978, International Museum Day has become widely celebrated in more than 150 countries.

In Russia, for example, in this day museum opens its doors to all comers. Visits to the exhibition halls and the new exhibits in the Museum Day is completely free, all actively represented visitors "from all sides."

So this holiday involved not only employees of the museum, but also fans of exciting new exhibitions and interested passersby. Often confined to this day a variety of themed festivals.

The museums often organized themed lectures, numerous excursions, various scientific readings are held quite exciting for the public museum and theater.

Action Night of Museums

Besides all this, and this festival is devoted to the international event called "Night of Museums". Usually it takes place in the night from Saturday to Sunday. This campaign is an initiative of the French colleagues.

In 2012, the "Night of Museums" will be held in Moscow on May 19. Starting from 18 o'clock until midnight, many well-known metropolitan museums and private galleries protesters plan to take guests free of charge. A sign wishing to visit the exhibition and unique shows will have to buy tickets. In the Russian Federation, the action was held more than once.

By the Night of Museums in Russia eagerly joined a large number of non-state museums and various private galleries. Experts believe that over time, the "Night of Museums" will be no less, and perhaps more popular than the Museum Day.

Festival Museum Day May 18

People quickly got used to the fact that on May 18 - International Museum Day and pre-planning for this day a special program of cultural activities for themselves and their families. On the feast of all the museums are always crowded with visitors. Do not stop the audience even that often coincides with the feast of working days.

In modern society, it is assumed that it is through a museum of humanity expresses his true attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of peoples. It really is.

In practice, it verified that collecting and storing a variety of artefacts and spirituality of the people, museums spend a huge scientific-educational and educational-educators, activity. This is especially helpful for young people who actively learns everything.

In the words of Jacques Perot, former president of ICOM, «museum simply must take its place right in the heart of society and to be completely open to the public.

The emergence and development of all of our, mainly, cultural institutions depends most on public assistance, and we are obliged to offer her a chance to support our goals and objectives, to take an active part in the work. On this basis, it is necessary that both the museum and the public will certainly have worked together in the innovative spirit of creativity. "

International Museum Day theme holiday

In 2009, the theme of this international festival was first identified in other words: museums and tourism. In 2010 the theme of the day were the words of museums: Museums for social harmony.

In 2011, the theme of International Museum Day holiday May 18 - "Museums and enrichment of memory exhibits tell the story.

Congratulations on the Day of Museums 2014 verses

 Congratulations to the employees of museums


In the quiet corridors of the museum

Old masters

We were fascinated gaze.

There Kandinsky and Perov.

To a high not forgotten

To become clearer and brighter

We have kept all this,

As a gift - the museum staff.

Thank you for this contribution is modest,

You on the museum, I am pleased to congratulate!


Raise your level of the museum,

We leave in the company of friends.

And extends to a beautiful soul,

But the price of the ticket - two a penny.

But should someone from a culture

Keep paintings and sculptures,

Cleverly restore times,

Removing flaws, those that the eye can see.

We see the exhibits in the halls mleya,

Minute yielding feeling

Thank you, members of the museum

For your dedication to the art!

Congratulations in the verses


The Museum Battle of Fame

He left us a soldier hero

So as not to forget about the war

All he had with him.

Tobacco pouches - expensive gift,

A letter from the mother of the native;

And with the tunic of the Order,

After all, behind it was a country.

Then he went to the final battle,

This is a trace of bullets front.

All this is carefully store

For sons and grandchildren,

In their souls, that did not grow kameneya

The contribution made by the museum staff.

You are on a holiday and good wishes,

Worthy of honors, awards and titles!

On the Day of Museums 2014


The history of the world - a thin scope

Tablets her we love store

An employee of the museum - the object for example,

We especially love every stone

Any exhibit - a treasure, memory,

In their time stood still, burning through the centuries

The spirit of the past, the eternal blaze

Taking care of his arm guards

And on this special day is to remember

With the respect of those who dedicated themselves

Museum work, exploring the roots,

The history of the world with love kept.


Today's museums,

special festive occasion

Honorable store exhibits

and it is an indisputable argument

And honored for centuries the people

who devoted life

Ensure that our story

the masses loved

To remember the past, to know

and to see that we can

The live, something to die for,

heroes native land


Someone Business Profitable

Someone chiefs there

Someone schedule free

And someone has his office

But rarely has a vocation,

Special subtle sense:

Protect the country heritage

Keep our art

Stories of our page

In the hands of such people

Museum workaholic unit

Today we honor them!

Humorous congratulations museums in the professional holiday

 Congratulations on the Day of Museums, poems wishes and greetings to workers, curator


With great pride and affection,

Eyes tired and kind,

Looking at the created eternity,

All creations unmatched.

We are your voices hushed,

Broadcast on iskustvoznanii,

Memory page you thin

Do not expose to behold.

The noise of the halls easy steps

Do people exhibits freeze again

Whether it is the ancient amphorae sherds,

Ile Pushkin's creation about love.

Keep everything. In the history of the era,

Introducing invisibly tangible trail

Certainly, every visitor is important,

But more important to you in the museum is not there.

We appreciate the work, your care,

On the property of the people for centuries.

Today, come feast,

Confessions we express in verse.

What wish museum curators?

Health, happiness, peace and kindness.

Let the children's laughter sparkles in your home,

Always have enough light and heat.

Thank you, adults and children,

Professors, students, idle people,

Thank you for the best in the world,

Museum for posterity cherish.

Author Tamara Salnikov

With a holiday all workers of museums

Poems about the museum, congratulations to employees of museums in holiday
