How to become a happy state of happiness


What needs to happen now to make you feel happy?

The huge cash prize, the order to raise at work, call a loved one? Now imagine that this has already happened

Feel the sparkle in the eyes, "gripping" spirit. Now, hold that condition for 5 minutes.

If you are knocked out of a phone call or a relative question, "Do you then, went to the roof? "Make a second attempt. Take your time, enter into a state of gradual, in cool seawater. At first will be a little unusual, a new state, it is like a new coat, the body gets used to it gradually.

After 5 minutes, try to get out of this state, think of some immediate problems. About unpaid phone bills, that you today at the head of the rude, that get up early tomorrow. Today, all you his normal happy life fulfilled.

And tomorrow - proceed again. Absorbing state in the same small dose, if you want a little time, you can enhance and add a "second approach". As in bodybuilding. Try to increase up to 15-20 minutes, add the morning and evening approaches.

Why do a lot? You are not afraid to eat 3 times a day? So saturate your body endorphin with the same frequency. This nice and helpful to health.

By the way, when you have "caught" the state does not need to sit in the lotus position, you can do the usual chores, wash dishes, walk the dog, to argue with a loved one:

Just hold this state, hold it, get used to live in it.

But leave the state is not required. If you forget to do this at the end of the planned 15 minutes, do not worry.

For my friend Anya students, this exercise very quickly become the norm. Unfamiliar people behind the eye called her "stoned", but friends have become accustomed. And people are drawn to it, like daisies in the spring sun, it is easy to communicate, it warms by their presence.

Surrounds the first time, will look at you, though, as mad, but nothing, then get used to. And then you start to talk about:

The inner self, or how to become a happy, healthy and slim


How to become a happy, healthy and slim? Every girl who ever sat on a diet knows how hard it is not to break and eat something sweet, and after the diet did not score in double the amount of all the things that worked so hard to lose. Can we call this condition - healthy and happy?

Of course not. I mean diet as a way to lose weight. After all, originally "diet" - a healthy, balanced diet, and not the exception from the diet anything. American psychologist Elsa Birkenshou, author of the book "Imagine yourself slim! "Writes that the problem is not in the fat cells, and in the head. All the fault of our subconscious, which time and again leads us into temptation - to pounce on sweet or harmful fastfood.

Therefore, to become a healthy, harmonious and everyone can, without any restrictions, and violence against them. There is a huge amount of literature on the subject, and all because of health, both physical and moral - the most important thing that a man can have. It is important to listen to yourself, and if you are not satisfied with the inner voice - to improve themselves and their thoughts.

No disorders! You must think positively, no matter what. Remember, when you pounce on the food? That's right, when you're depressed, when overwhelmed by negative emotions. And your task in this situation - to learn how to change their settings in the subconscious to positive, calming and relaxing.

One of the exercises - focus on mirror. This exercise you've heard more than once! The trick is that the inner "I" does not distinguish truth from falsehood, but captures all the data if they are regular and come in sufficient quantities. Morning and evening, treat yourself in the mirror: the face and body. At the same time, it appears that every day you are more beautiful and slimmer, and says: "I love myself."

If you love yourself, and love around you. It is a known fact. If you're going to think positively about themselves - beautiful, you'll be pleased with herself. Always.

Another exercise. Glued to his favorite place in the apartment little notes stickers with positive statements about themselves, for example, such as "I am worthy to be loved." Write to them every day, as much as we can say good things about you, and tear off the old, reading, the memory is written. This is also deposited in your subconscious. It is important to not only think about how to lose weight.

Establish contact with your inner "I" and make it work in the right way to health and happiness necessary. After all, often we know from childhood - "not doesh soup - do not go for a walk," or "well done, ate soup - get a cake! "Now we know that after the cake soup ... like something is wrong, and the soup ... Although it is, of course, debatable. We have, namely, our subconscious mind is accustomed to this scheme and, therefore, it (the scheme) should be changed. And to help in this relaxation.

Exercise for relaxation. Every day, for 10-20 minutes plug soothing music. Sit back, relax all the muscles in your hands and close your eyes, breathe deeply. When you exhale completely relax and try about anything to not think.

Imagine moving ball that rolls slower and slower. Step by step, relax the muscles of the body. Having complete relaxation, imagine yourself floating on the waves. Swam to the shore, you step barefoot on soft warm sand. On the beach you see yourself, just as you always dreamed of being. Slowly slip into a delightful body moves, feel what it beautiful and plastic. To get out of this state, moved slightly and opened his eyes.

If you feel a sweet tooth, instead of waves add to your relaxation piece of something sweet. For example, instead of the idea of ​​rocking on the waves take this piece, pre-cooked and placed between the teeth and Pinch your nose. You will be surprised, but the flavor will seem unpleasant. If you will do these exercises every day, you do not want to overeat, your light, airy image is locked in the subconscious, and you do not want to spoil yourself - perfect!

Sometimes it's hard to get rid of negativity. But how to overcome it? When you get angry, then you come out of a state of happiness and harmony. And swallow insult with extra calories! Therefore it is very important - learn to forgive, to let go of his resentment. You can, for example, take a photo of the person who hurt you, or angry and said: "I am sorry and I forgive you." Repeat this process, and even hopeless case be released. And in your heart there will be anger and resentment.

But to be always in a good mood, to feel satisfied - you need to move. But what if you do not have time for gyms and swimming pools? There are a few exercises that will not take much time, and are easily replaceable on similar. Jump rope barefoot, increasing the number of hops. Strain the abdominal muscles for a minute, and retracts it appears that trying to reach the navel of the spine.

Exercise with a towel, which can be done after a bath. It improves posture. Put a towel around his neck from behind and take his ends. Struggling pull it forward, and she flexes back, resisting the towel.

Do you want to be a healthy, harmonious and happy? Whether it! Just give yourself - a favorite bit of time, love, listen, and pursue their dreams. And all will turn out! Always.

Express-method for solving problems


If you have learned not to worry about small things, you've taken the first step on the way to a happy life. However, it must also respond appropriately to unexpected problems. How to learn it?

As most of us respond to unexpected challenges? Shock, confusion, chaos in the thoughts, rapid heartbeat, blood rushes to the face ...

Perhaps sometimes this body would shake and helpful, but in our daily lives stressful situations arise more frequently. What to do?

First of all - after the problem crops up - I try not to think about anything. Take a break on something pleasant (drink tea, eat a piece of candy).

Do not assume that the precious moments that you could spend on a solution to the problem go away.

The faster you go into yourself, the more effectively will be able to understand the situation.   Once you feel relaxed, begin to implement the following algorithm.

You may have received incomplete information and made her the wrong conclusion? Try to make sure that the problem really exists before proceeding with the process of solving it.

Otherwise you risk to spend time and effort wasted. It is also possible that what you take to be a problem that requires immediate solutions, it is not so urgent.

It happens that in a stressful situation, we can not objectively evaluate the degree of difficulty. If you suspect that you have the same reaction - it is better to turn to someone who will help you to assess the situation.

At this stage, you need to determine whether you should do to take some action. Perhaps we should just keep aloof? Or forward a solution to someone else?

In the first case, if you know that you can not do anything in this situation, try to just put up with it and possibly throw thought about the issue of the head.

In the second case - as soon as possible to readdress the issue, who should decide, and also try to forget about it.

Determine what is the desired outcome of the solution. Ask yourself: What I want to get the result? Then remember how you solved similar problems.

If in the past you had times when you brilliantly out of these difficult situations - think of it, try to relive the feeling of joy and courage of success. This will give you the strength to move forward and not suffer in vain.

Remind yourself what strengths you have. If you still feel that you can not solve the problem, make a list of what you are missing. You might want to ask someone for help. And then begin to act without delay.

Once you have started to operate, check yourself, whether you are experiencing so far? If so, try to calm down immediately.

Think about the positive use of relaxation techniques.

Remember, everything you could do, you have already done. So, worry more does not make sense.

