Shugaring sugar hair removal at home

 Shugaring sugar hair removal

Sugar, say, a sweet death! Correctly say! Death regrown hair on chic slender women's legs! Although, if you eat sweet inside, there is no guarantee you the death extra kilos hanging Russian accordion at once shapely flanks and buttocks. But today is not about these destructive properties of sugar.

How to sugar hair removal at home

It is not necessary to record to your beautician to get rid of excess "vegetation" on the body. Epilation feet you can make yourself at home.

By the way, it's not even as painful as during the same procedure, but with a stranger. At the very least, you can not be angry at the master of hair removal, but for themselves. Well, or punish myself so for the love of chocolate a candy for the night, for example. And so, back to our topic. Let us find out the benefits shugaring at home.

Advantages and benefits of sugar hair removal

The biggest advantage of this method is perfectly expressed in phraseologism "cheap and cheerful". Calculate how much it costs you per month waxing all the problem areas. Shugaring will cost much cheaper, since he held the sugar paste, which you can cook at home.

The second significant plus sign - is a safe, effective and relatively painless. Sugar paste should be applied warm, because compared to the depilation with caramel, the procedure will take place without burns and allergic reactions.

The advantage shugaring just that sugar paste at this point gently envelops each hair, penetrates the root and then it is much easier to remove. Remove use an array with your already Gorny legs, it is also very simple - rinse with warm water.

Preparation of the skin for hair removal

To shugaring brought the expected results, the skin must be well to steam and dry.

Excellent drying effect has the usual soap, as well as talc or baby powder. Immediately after the hot tub, rub the skin with any of these tools.

Recipe shugaring

In a kilogram of sugar add seven tablespoons of lemon juice and eight teaspoons of water. Put on high heat, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and giving cool about 3 hours. That's the whole secret.

Mix the cooled mixture, and can be applied to the skin with a thin layer, and on top - a strip of cotton fabric, leaving a little edge of matter. Sharp movement tear away strip, and so on the surface, which we want to see a smooth, without excessive "vegetation."

An important point:

The tool must be applied against the hair growth, but only remove growth. Preparation means enough for three or four months, so that the rest of the sugar paste can be stored in the refrigerator, and the next time you use just warm.

Skin care after hair removal sugar such as after every other home - day avoid contact with hot water and steam can be used calming creams and lotions.

So feel free to go ahead, but at the same time save the family budget.

Shugaring sugar hair removal at home

 Shugaring sugar hair removal

Sugar, say, a sweet death! Correctly say! Death regrown hair on chic slender women's legs! Although, if you eat sweet inside, there is no guarantee you the death extra kilos hanging Russian accordion at once shapely flanks and buttocks. But today is not about these destructive properties of sugar.

How to sugar hair removal at home

It is not necessary to record to your beautician to get rid of excess "vegetation" on the body. Epilation feet you can make yourself at home.

By the way, it's not even as painful as during the same procedure, but with a stranger. At the very least, you can not be angry at the master of hair removal, but for themselves. Well, or punish myself so for the love of chocolate a candy for the night, for example. And so, back to our topic. Let us find out the benefits shugaring at home.

Advantages and benefits of sugar hair removal

The biggest advantage of this method is perfectly expressed in phraseologism "cheap and cheerful". Calculate how much it costs you per month waxing all the problem areas. Shugaring will cost much cheaper, since he held the sugar paste, which you can cook at home.

The second significant plus sign - is a safe, effective and relatively painless. Sugar paste should be applied warm, because compared to the depilation with caramel, the procedure will take place without burns and allergic reactions.

The advantage shugaring just that sugar paste at this point gently envelops each hair, penetrates the root and then it is much easier to remove. Remove use an array with your already Gorny legs, it is also very simple - rinse with warm water.

Preparation of the skin for hair removal

To shugaring brought the expected results, the skin must be well to steam and dry.

Excellent drying effect has the usual soap, as well as talc or baby powder. Immediately after the hot tub, rub the skin with any of these tools.

Recipe shugaring

In a kilogram of sugar add seven tablespoons of lemon juice and eight teaspoons of water. Put on high heat, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and giving cool about 3 hours. That's the whole secret.

Mix the cooled mixture, and can be applied to the skin with a thin layer, and on top - a strip of cotton fabric, leaving a little edge of matter. Sharp movement tear away strip, and so on the surface, which we want to see a smooth, without excessive "vegetation."

An important point:

The tool must be applied against the hair growth, but only remove growth. Preparation means enough for three or four months, so that the rest of the sugar paste can be stored in the refrigerator, and the next time you use just warm.

Skin care after hair removal sugar such as after every other home - day avoid contact with hot water and steam can be used calming creams and lotions.

So feel free to go ahead, but at the same time save the family budget.

Care folk remedies, recipes

 Face Care

Many women feel the skin problem areas. Of course, not always possible to mask various skin "in trouble" and get rid of them - sometimes becomes a problem.

Because, unfortunately, cosmetic products may also prove to be helpless in dealing with skin problems. And if we turn to folk remedies, to recipes, tested by centuries?

Correct and consistent facial and neck

The facial skin is very different from other skin its tenderness and subtlety. For good reason it is compared to a flower. But any flower requires care. And the skin of the face and neck without careful maintenance may fade like a flower. First of all, try to create a favorable environment for your skin - it is a healthy way of life. For washing water, use a special 10-minute soak in water gauze bag filled with wheat bran. The skin will be smooth enough and will not peel off.

Quite effectively operates the home anti-aging lotion. To make it 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley pour a glass of hot water. After an hour the infusion and put in the refrigerator. This lotion skin can be cleaned several times a day.

To thoroughly clean the face and neck, you can use egg peeling mask. For its preparation half a teaspoon of egg shell grind in a coffee grinder, add the egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream. The resulting mixture is gently rub on massage lines, then rinse with warm water. This recipe is suitable for all skin types, but the effect is visible almost immediately.

Our skin needs support especially under adverse environmental conditions. It will handle a very simple mask: Grate two fresh carrots, add 2 tablespoons of potato flour and one egg yolk. This mixture is applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, then wash well. By the way, this mask is able to improve the complexion and to smooth wrinkles.

Care of hands and feet

The skin of hands and feet is not as tender as the skin of the face, but it does not deprive the attention is. To get rid of flaky skin hand twice a week can you do trays from milk whey or sauerkraut juice, after which the hand can be lubricated with olive oil or cream.

For a good cleansing wipe its hands of the coffee grounds, and then rinse with warm water. And funds received by mixing equal parts of infusion of tea fungus and olive oil will help you save for a long time in good condition hand skin and protect it.

For foot care is a versatile ingredient oak bark. Trays from broth perfectly disinfect, reduce sweating. Very good fatigue, swelling bath with sea salt. To soften rough skin applied aloe leaf.

After all, it is desirable to make the bath massage with olive or other oil.

And yet one should always remember that our skin is directly related to our health.
