The role of the nervous system in the pathogenesis

 The role of the nervous system in the pathogenesis

Based on the physiological Pavlov's teaching, it should be noted that the use of the basic means of physical therapy - exercise - enables to carry out the requirements of being Pavlov not only learn, but learn to control physiological processes.

Increased attention to the role of the nervous system in the pathogenesis of diseases has created the preconditions for the use and study of physical therapy in the clinic of nervous diseases and such diseases of the cardiovascular system as hypertension, chronic coronary insufficiency and myocardial infarction, and others.

The development of thoracic surgery in the last 10 - 15 years has allowed to develop the question of studying physical therapy in operations on the heart and lungs. In the postwar period, a large "treasure in the study of the method of physical therapy done by the authors of a number of theses (master's and doctoral), carried out by specialists in the field of physical therapy in clinics of different profile.

It is appropriate to recall the work of prof. Veronika Valentinovna Gorinevskoy that in the Great Patriotic War and in the postwar period to actively develop various matters private physiotherapy.

Fruitful was the activity MA Mnnkevich in areas like medical observation for physical education of children and adolescents, and explore issues of physiotherapy in pediatric practice.

It should be noted productive activities K. Smirnov (Leningrad) and GI Krasnoselski (Kiev), who with a team of its employees to successfully develop questions and methodology study physical therapy in various diseases.

Principal positions both in understanding the method of physical therapy, and use it in a practical medicine allowed in the postwar period to move to more advanced forms of organizational and methodological guidance physical therapy.

In the Soviet health care system set up national, regional (edge), the city and in some places - the district medical and sports clinic with the task of implementation of organizational and methodological guidance in the field of medical Physical Education.

Hygiene skills and knowledge of physiotherapy

 Hygiene skills and knowledge of physiotherapy

Acquired in hospitals hygiene knowledge and skills of physiotherapy will be transferred to patients and household situation.

VV Gorinevsky at the dawn of the development of physical therapy foresaw its great importance in the fight against manifestations of residual injuries or diseases caused by movement disorder (contracture, paresis), which was brilliantly confirmed later, especially in the Great Patriotic War.

Daughters VV Gorinevskogo - Valentina Valentinovna and Veronika Valentinovna Horn Neva - studied and detailed the basic provisions of therapeutic and prophylactic effect of exercise on the body of the patient.

It should be noted also DS Pirusskogo, who developed a technique mototerapii with the inclusion of occupational therapy and hardening factors (sun, air and water) to describe the methodology for their application.

DS Pirussky relatively little known in the Soviet Union, he worked in Siberia, mainly in Tomsk, both before and after the revolution.

In an effort to realize his views on the huge role of prevention, DS Pirussky in 1895 organized the Tomsk Society for the physical development, which lasted about 25 years.

The funds of the society were organized forest schools and colonies, summer and winter playground for the sickly and malnourished children of the poorest population, where physical exercises, games, and the labor process has received considerable attention.

Experience of physical therapy

 the use of physical therapy

Experience of physical therapy for various injuries peacetime allowed to apply the method of physical therapy in the conditions of the military situation as a method of physical therapy issues discussed at the four plenary meetings of the board of the hospital of the Ministry of Health.

In the postwar period, physiotherapy begins to grow again and studied in terms of medical and health care institutions of the Soviet Union. Greater attention was paid to clinical and physiological studies of the method of physiotherapy, a deepening and expansion was interpreted the mechanism of action of exercise on the body of the patient.

A more in-depth study of the method of physiotherapy greatly contributed to the achievements of Soviet biology, physiology, biochemistry and health, on the one hand, and the achievement of clinical medicine - on the other. These achievements of theoretical and clinical disciplines were the basis of the theory of physical therapy that will allow scientists to understand the importance of physical exercise and theoretically justify their use in a variety of clinical disciplines.

The marked influence on the development of the theory and practice of physical therapy in the Soviet Union demonstrated in the scientific, educational and social activities. VK Dobrovolsky, being the author of several monographs and textbooks on physical therapy, VK Dobrovolsky successfully continues to work on the systematization of knowledge in the field of general and specific issues of physiotherapy, as well as the mechanism of action of exercise on the sick person.

In the field of application of physiotherapy in internal diseases productive AA Leporsky. In the postwar period he published a series of monographs on physical therapy for diseases of the circulatory system, respiration, metabolism and digestive system, which reflect both the views and experience of the author in the application of physical therapy in the clinic of internal diseases.

Further development of physical therapy is associated with two events of scientific life of our country. Lenin was the major event in the Soviet biological science, it is victoriously completed a long period of struggle against reactionary idealistic direction of Morgan - Weismann.

At the same time, this session has demonstrated the triumph of the teachings. Based on a solid foundation of Marxist-Leninist philosophy, the Michurin teaching comes from the assertion inseparable connection of the body and the environment. Michurin said: "We can not wait for the mercy of nature, take them from her - our task."

This slogan is particularly close to specialists in physical culture, which by means of physical culture (physical exercise, natural factors and the nature of the regime) can affect the entire human body v.polozhitelnuyu side.

The second event will play an important role in the theory and practice of physical therapy, it was a joint scientific session of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Academy of Medical Sciences (28th of June - 4 July 1950), dedicated to the problems of physiological teachings of Pavlov.

The main provisions of the teachings of Pavlov - the unity of the body and the unity of the internal and external environment - formed the basis of the correct interpretation of therapeutic significance of the method of physiotherapy.

In light of these key provisions nervism, which is the main line in the teachings of Pavlov allowed to deepen and substantiate much broader mechanism of action of exercise on a sick person and thus allow for a good scientific basis to develop the theory and practice of physical therapy.

Knowledge in the field of physiotherapy

 Knowledge in the field of physiotherapy

It should be noted that the particular importance played by physiotherapy in hospitals for the walking wounded. In this regard, valuable work carried Valentina Valentinovna Gorinevskoy that is based on the extensive experience released in 1944 for the integrated management of treatment slightly wounded in a hospital.

An important role in improving and developing the use of physical therapy has played a number of scientific conferences and meetings held during the war, the Chief Military Medical Administration of the Red Army, the People's Commissariat of the USSR, health management of the Navy and the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports.

At these meetings and conferences addressed issues of theory and practice of physical therapy in hospitals in various fields, refined technique and settled in the complex treatment.

Dissemination of knowledge in the field of physical therapy certainly pay more attention to this method l representatives of different clinical disciplines, which are beginning to introduce him to the clinic and to study the effect of exercise on the patient.

The following is known in the field of physical therapy questions left VK Kramarenko, who has studied the question of corrective gymnastics and breathing exercises in the application of complex treatment of patients.

Thus, the pre-war period was characterized by the development of physical therapy quantitative and qualitative growth method, refinement and expansion of the indications for its use, I develop differentiated methods for various diseases. At this time, he found recognition among clinicians and among practitioners.

There is no doubt that during this period the credit spread of physiotherapy and putting it on a proper scientific and theoretical level belongs to clinicians and medical specialists in the field of physical therapy.

An important role in the development of physical therapy in the clinic of trauma played EF Dreving, which has developed and systematized methods of physiotherapy in traumatology. Her work "Therapeutic exercises. The trauma "sustained a number of publications and is a major tool in this regard.

Theory and practice of physical therapy, the study and application of exercise
Exercise therapy treatment of patients with heart disease
The development of therapeutic exercises in Russia
Breathing exercises in the system of hatha yoga asanas
The role of the nervous system in the pathogenesis
Theory and practice of physical therapy, the study and application of exercise
Exercise therapy treatment of patients with heart disease
