Laser nanoperforatsiya - a technique of rapid rejuvenation

 Facial Rejuvenation

At all times, the beautiful ladies were highly prized secrets of enduring beauty and youth, and now in addition to all kinds of massages and masks are available to women and non-surgical techniques innovative rejuvenation. These include laser nanoperforatsiya at which the treated area on the face is directed laser beam exposure.

As a result, in the dermis form thousands of tiny holes, which are extremely small, not visible to the naked eye, are absolutely safe and are able to start the natural process of regeneration.

Asked how much nanoperforatsiya answer clearly does not work, because every beauty clinic set their prices and the number of sessions and the area of ​​cultivated area depends on the individual patient. This procedure is painless and quick, without plastic surgery and subsequent rehabilitation period to acquire former youth. The list of contraindications is minimal, and they include diabetes, pregnancy, blood disorders, lactation.

What are the features of the procedure nanoperforatsii? During her of the laser affects the skin of the face in a contactless manner, and thus to the skin surface there is a lot of invisible micro-channels. The dermis is forced to react promptly to outside interference, triggering regenerative processes, resulting in a natural way produced collagen and elastin.

Pronounced lifting effect is noticeable after a short time, the skin is tightened quickly enough and rejuvenated, and facial wrinkles disappear. Unlike contouring, sessions on lazernoynanoperfolratsii patient can go even on an outpatient basis, and to take leave they will not need to because the rehabilitation period lasts only a few days. The main advantage of this technique is the ability to really narrow pores, as other methods of rejuvenation is not possible to obtain a similar effect.

Thanks nanoperforatsii you can visually look younger for a few years, however, to achieve the effect of a single session is not enough. To fully consolidate the results beauticians recommend to go through three procedures, making between monthly intervals to the skin after each laser nanoperforatsii could recover completely.

Anti-cellulite bath at home

 Anti-cellulite bath

Effective and a great way to combat cellulite at home is the anti-cellulite bath. They burn fat, help to normalize metabolism, well-toned body and nourish the skin, good anti-aging and supply the body with the necessary vitamins.

"Mustard Bath"

The container of warm water to dissolve 1 cup mustard. Stir until the characteristic smell of mustard oil. Add this solution to the hot bath (temp. 38 - 39 C). Before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for one hour. To be sitting in a bath in water from the waist up - 5 - 10 min.

If you begin to experience any discomfort or palpitations - bathing should be discontinued. Then Rinse under a warm shower, and then relaxed soak for 30 minutes under a warm blanket. Get ready for a heavy sweating. After the bath as 1:00 nothing to eat or drink.

"Soda bath"

200 grams of baking soda mixed with table salt - 300 grams. Add to hot bath (temp. 38 - 40 ° C). Before the procedure, do not drink and do not eat two hours. With a mug to take a bath is not sweet, hot tea. Drink in small sips. Being in the bathroom 5-12 minutes to look at the state of health.

Wash in the shower after a bath is not necessary. It should immediately lie down under a warm blanket (for which it is desirable to put a sheet). Sweat 40 minutes. Then obmytsya soul. Do not drink or eat after the procedure within one hour. This procedure is perfectly burns fat - about 500 grams at a time.

"Turpentine bath"

The pharmacy sells emulsion which can be used to prepare a turpentine bath at home. The methods described in the manual.

"Bath of lime blossom"

Very good tool to fight fat. Buy at the pharmacy to collect lime color. Make a solution: pour boiling water 5 tb. spoons with gorochkoy collection. Insist, wrapped in a towel for 40 minutes. Add to bath pre-filter. Water is 37 degrees.

The amount of water - from the waist up, give yourself to soak for 15-20 minutes. The bath is taken on an empty stomach. One hour after the procedure, too, does not drink or eat.

"Tea Bath"

3 tb. spoons of tea to brew 1 liter of boiling water. Let configure themselves 10-15 m. Fill the bath, pre-filtered solution. Water 37 ° C, located in the bath sitting in water up to his waist 10 - 20 m. Well-tones the skin, helps to normalize metabolism.

"Vitamin bath"

For vitamins bathtubs needs 1 liter of any fruit juice (even from the store). Pour the juice into the bath water - 37 C. Restrictions on receiving a bath there. Excellent rejuvenates, helps to normalize metabolism, provides the body with vitamins.

Adopt effective anti-cellulite bath as a great way to combat cellulite at home, and all you get.

How to get rid of freckles on her face

 Getting rid of freckles

An increasing number of people over many years is a regular struggle with freckles that appear on their face or body, especially in the spring and summer. Of course, such "sun kisses" sometimes add special highlight the beauty of women. Yet most of them dream to get rid of such a gift of nature and fast.

Women are still a long time fought with the hated freckles. Today, there are many traditional methods that can help clean the face of such spots. Further, it offered the most effective ones.

It is a good tool in the fight with freckles becomes almonds

It was used in the data to a few centuries ago. The recipe of its preparation is as follows: Pour a few kernels of almonds with boiling water. After ten minutes they need to get out of the water, clean.

Then the almonds passing through a meat grinder. Little by little in a slurry is added to hot water. All is mixed. After it put a teaspoon of honey. This mixture is applied daily to the face and washed off with warm water after a few minutes.

Get rid of the freckles on your face will help ordinary parsley

Grass should be a good grind and add to it a little unboiled milk. The process of applying a liquid on the face is the same with the previous recipe.

You can also try to lubricate the face with lemon juice. This citrus fruit is also good fights with pigment spots on the skin.

You can try discolored freckle on the face

For this procedure, you must use yogurt. Optionally, it is possible to add a few drops of lemon juice. Kefir need to wash your face morning and evening.

Reduce the number of sunspots can help special masks on the basis of egg white and lemon juice. Before you apply them to the face, the skin will need a good clean and degrease. It is not necessary to perform the procedure more than twice a week.

Those women, who suffer from frequent manifestations of freckles on his face and body, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun. After all, they often become a cause of a pigmentation. Every time he went out into the street, the skin must be lubricated with special sunscreen. This is especially true summer.

A sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body reduces the manifestation of freckles on her face. Therefore it is recommended to use as many fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably raw. Such prevention will benefit not only in the fight with freckles, but also enrich the body missing vitamins and other substances.
