The Art of Attraction money

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The Art of Attraction money
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To imagine modern life without money is impossible. Making money is often a central goal life, relegated to the periphery of the so-called "eternal" values. Sometimes there are contempt for money avenges himself unrestrained poverty, disease.

How to learn to "pull" the money is not "sacrifice the principles"?

Quiet and easy to treat Money as a means of existence, growth and development, rather than as eclipsing all the ultimate goal of life? To do this, you first need to remember that this money. Money is defined and as a result of collusion of people, and as an instrument of state power, and as a universal medium of exchange. The role of money as a standard of exchanges everywhere and always played the goods that are in demand and which is available in sufficient abundance.

The closer to our time, the greater the role of the metal substances in the service of human needs and sharing wealth. Here, too, it had its own evolution: first coins of iron, lead, copper, and then in the course went gold and silver. Their undoubted "cash" quality: homogeneity, divisibility, the keeping of portability, the value of (a rarity and the complexity of production).

It is said that during the period of the gold standard treatment in the literal word "stuck to the hands" (erased from the use of) two thousand tons of real gold. This was one of the main reasons for the transition to paper symbols: rubles, dollars, marks. People have realized that the role of money is fleeting. That is the only product that can not be used otherwise than to get rid of him. They do not feed you, not dressed, do not give shelter and entertain as long as you did not spend or invest them.

What awaits us in the future? What kind of money will replace? Their representatives are there now. This so-called "mystical money "- a record in the accounts and the books. Non-cash money. Then the" coming "electronic or" CyberDengui "- a record in the computer's memory. Since then refer to this money? Bad attitude to money, according to Aron Belkin - a disease that should be treated. And this attitude can be on a subconscious level.

This negative perception Money is often an obstacle, explicit constraint in attracting a sufficient amount of money energy to provide a decent life for a person. In Russia, due to a number of historical events negative attitude to money, wealth has penetrated deeply, on the level of the subconscious of many people. It has become an integral part to the end of the unknown "Russian mentality".

This is reflected in these psychological attitudes: "money - the evil", "money man spoil", "money can not buy happiness," "the rich also cry", and so on. D. That is why currently a huge demand for psychological trainings, where " knocked "unconscious negative attitudes. Man, as it were "reprogrammed."

For this purpose, in particular, used a little-known views of famous personalities (the force of their authority), for example: "Money - the most important thing in the world. The money - it's like Aladdin's lamp" (George Bernard Shaw), "Money - a sixth sense that allows you to enjoy the fruits of the first five "(Somerset Maugham)," Money - is a sweet balm "(Arab proverb)" Money expand opportunities to achieve their own interests "(Paul Heyne), but best of all said, we believe that our Russian writer Victoria Tokarev" Money - it minted freedom. "

These statements should be repeated like mantras. Then, a positive attitude towards money is as if by itself create such situations and circumstances that will bring you money. It is particularly important to form the right attitude to money from the younger generation. Even George Bernard Shaw in the preface to the play "Major Barbara" clearly wrote: "Teach children that a sin to seek the money - is to reach the extreme limits of shamelessness, and their lies, abuse and hypocrisy.

In general, respect for money - is the only thing in our civilization, which gives hope, the only healthy place in our consciousness. Money is as bright personification of health, strength, and honor, generosity and beauty, however, no doubt, illness, weakness, disgrace, meanness and ugliness reflect their disadvantage. Not the least of their advantages is that they overwhelm people with the same low inevitability with which strengthen and elevate the noble people.

And only when they reduce the price to the degree of impairment in the eyes of some people, and increases the cost to the extent of reach in the eyes of other people, but then they become a curse. "In other words, all should be the measure. We need to find our own" middle ground "in relation to money . Eventually the purse - this is only an application to the head. The most famous book about money in the last five years - "CASHFLOW Quadrant" - through the words of writers RT Kiyosaki and Lechter SH.L. says that "you never You can be truly free without financial freedom. "

The authors suggest initially positioned with respect to one of the four sections where you are or want to be: P - for employees, C - for those who are self-employed (people "liberal professions": lawyers, consultants, notaries, etc. n.), B - for those who have their own business, and - for investors. Of course, financial freedom can be found in all four sections. The money will be due to the fact that you yourself have found that you feel in a particular topic, like home.

For example, a highly professional mason who "builds a temple," not just "lays bricks" would receive their work is not only a greater monetary power (in the market significantly "pay extra" for their professionalism and caring attitude to work), but also a moral energy (work as a hobby). However, some feel very uncomfortable, employment.

Prev. - Next. "

What to do with money


What prevents us to have a lot of money? Interview with a psychologist Irina Shkolnik.

- Let's say a person understand their true intentions, determined that he really needed the money, and "contract" with your subconscious mind. His success is guaranteed?

- No. Not only get the money - you must learn to hold them.

There are three aspects of social competence, which is useful in itself to develop to be able to borrow money for the embedded energy.

These are: the ability to dissociate themselves from unnecessary (the ability to firmly say "no");

the ability to request so as not to suffer from a failure (I am free to apply - you are free to refuse or consent);

ability to confrontation (the ability to clarify complex issues, the situation openly express their feelings and opinions).

And if a person does not develop these social skills, you have a lot of money it is dangerous: he'll take them either, or he would give them himself. But in any case he did not keep.

- And if someone does not sell its energy and gives, without having a lot of money?

- In each specific case it is necessary to deal separately. A person can donate money out of guilt or shame ("All are poor, and I'm rich"). It is harmful donation, which the Bible says, "is lined with good intentions road to hell." After all, if you look ahead, such an act is usually caused by pity and humiliation associated with.

To determine the motivation of the "Give", quite honestly answer the question: "Why am I doing this?" The ability to give money is also important because of their receipt and return occur at the same "channel". And how, why and what we give money affects our ability to have them.

- What about charity?

- Money is useful to give with joy and ease. As it is written in the Bible, in the beneficent deeds allocate 10% of revenue. In addition, his beneficence is not necessary to advertise, otherwise this sponsorship, which is already rewarded kind of advertising your virtue.

To a man, had the art to give money and to do it whole-heartedly, without humiliating anyone, and without waiting for this award, his energy returns multiplied, and usually from other sources.

- And if forced beneficence? What to do if you are using?

- If the card is, in your opinion, does not correspond to the energy expended - say, the work - it is better to either abandon such work, or really take it in charity. But in any case not to cultivate a negative feeling and not weighed down by the thought of "use" itself.

"Feminine" and "masculine" MONEY

- Who is more common to have money: men or women? (The question, of course, discriminatory, but in our mind quite firmly entrenched image of the male breadwinner.)

- I think those who want, who thirst for money and activity (not in terms of lust and greed, avarice, but in terms of passion). Besides, if we take into account the psychological differences between men and women, strong sex is peculiar to earn money. In this case, a man satisfied and happy, in this way they assert themselves.

A woman can be pretty, just get the money - for example, a husband, a gift, by inheritance (this in no way precludes it earning money). And if she is able to understand that her energy and caring for the man, the house, the child is expensive, then it would be quite comfortable when she will earn.

- It turns out that the care and love have the cash equivalent?

- You see, money is very energy associated with sexual energy, and the energy of love. And when you start seeing this relationship, we can draw parallels. But to theorize on this issue is impossible, because each case is important to consider individually.

To understand this relationship, a person must feel it. And if you still try to summarize, the power of women - in emotion, it is the inner workings. For men it is more common to reflect their feelings in outside activities: bring a mammoth cave or to provide well-being. If the problem men - to change the world, women - to encourage it to do so.

- It turns out that lack of love leads to a lack of money?

- Maybe. Any interaction - it is the energy exchange. And the woman affects the financial position of the man more than he thinks. This makes it important, lucky, happy.

Is it possible to buy health?

As is known, the possibilities are wide enough medicine - limited capacity of the patient. And if the health money can not buy, the medical care and medications can provide. So it depends on whether the health (and this adequate nutrition and vitamins, and disease prevention, and proper rest) of the material well-being?

- I think that health is largely dependent on a person's identity, its degree of maturity, education, self-respect. After all, uneducated people with big money much rather destroy their health. Can you imagine what are the opportunities for the excesses that have capital ?! In addition, we forget about the psychological health: the big money is fraught with serious psychological stress, and therefore more dangerous.

By the way, money can be a threat primarily to those who came to the capital, in the subconscious remained poor. Such people enslave money that we have seen in many "new" Ukrainians who surround themselves with a numerous guard, live in constant fear, and hence the neuroses, psychoses, and other "charms". But for the sake of truth it should be said that the impact on health and money, and their absence.

Instead of an epilogue

- Is it possible to be healthy and happy without money? - I ask a naive question.

- People manage. But I think that in a big city - not. Especially if there are children who do not always look at their requirements for parents.

If a man was rich, and then became a monk, I believe that it is in this and found myself happy without money. But if he strikes a pose originally ascetic altruist and reformatory, it is unlikely that tells the truth. The Bible says: "God dearer repentant sinner than the eternal righteous."

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The cure for lack of money
