Ascension of the Lord, the coming of Christ, the Messiah, and the prophecy of Jesus

 Ascension Day 2011 celebration, history, meaning, the coming of Christ, the Messiah, and the prophecy of Jesus

Ascension   - One of the most important Christian holidays. It represents the essence of Jesus Christ completed his earthly, visible human beings existence and began his new life invisible to ordinary mortals, life is no longer on the ground, among ordinary people, and in heaven, ascended to the Holy Father his.

This life of Jesus Christ allows him invisibly present next to each of us, and you can not forget about it. The holiday is very important, because Jesus rose from the ground, stuck in sin, to a bright, pure and eternal peace, we all opened up the possibility also follow to heaven for eternal life after the end of our earthly journey.

Ascension is celebrated on the 40-st day after Easter. Fixed days at this festival there, just as there is no fixed date of Easter, that is, the date might be different. In this 2012 Feast of the Assumption is celebrated on May 24.

The ascension of the Son of God is written in detail in the Gospel of Luke and Mark, as well as in the Acts of the Apostles. After his miraculous resurrection from the dead, Jesus did not immediately ascended to the Father, the Holy One, and another forty days on earth, but not on a daily basis with their students, and appeared to them from time to time, to convince them of his true resurrection.

He talked with them, and taught how to live with faith in God and about the structure of the Lord's holy church. On the fortieth day, he gathered students of the city on the Mount of Olives, on it and above it is often uttered their prayers.

Here Jesus began to explain to the students their mission on the ground, saying that they will go the Holy Spirit and they will be His witnesses, but not only in Jerusalem, which they do not have to leave, but all over the world. Bless them, Jesus raised his hands to the sky and began to climb above the ground until it is concealed from the eyes of the astonished disciples shining white cloud.

From what he saw the disciples for a long time could not recover, we stood and looked at the sky, hoping to see Master again. But there were two angels in white robes and told that there is no need to stand, it is necessary to go back to their normal life, and Jesus would return to earth, but when it happens, none of the mortals can not know.

Coming of Christ

Since then, people expect the Second Coming of Christ. In both the Old and New Testaments without naming the exact date of the coming, yet the signs are described, which can be determined, that it has already come and will soon happen. Signs of these are the various disasters, large-scale disasters, which will begin before the advent of lunar and solar eclipses, the fall from the sky the stars, floods and fires.

Throughout the history of mankind is not just major disasters that caused tremendous damage and carry with them thousands of lives. Many of these disasters were presented to the people as the beginning of the coming of Christ.

The most famous of these are the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, which occurred at an evil chance it was the Feast of All Saints. 6 minutes had been destroyed three quarters of urban buildings, including churches, palaces, historical and architectural monuments. Died that day about 100 thousand. Man.

Another highlight of which was attributed to the beginning of the second coming of Christ, was a meteorite rain over the eastern part of North America. It happened in 1833 November 12 and lasted until 13 November.

In less than two days, fell to the ground several hundred thousand heavenly "gifts." There were up to 35 thousand. Per hour, and every minute a thousand meteorites entered Earth's atmosphere. Half of them burned, not reaching the ground.

It is also the beginning of the second coming of frightening people repeatedly called solar eclipses.

The Messiah, and the prophecy of Jesus

For 2000 years, there were many times unscrupulous citizens who declared himself the Messiah. And each time there were simpletons who believed them. The most famous of them is Charles Russell, who having no theological education nevertheless scribbled 6 volumes of "Scripture Studies," to making their own conclusions. The result of his activity was the creation of the infamous community "Jehovah's Witnesses"

Our homegrown Messiahs special prominence has Vissarion, born Sergei Torop, who in 1991 "suddenly" ceased to be an ordinary person and "became" Jesus Christ descended to earth, and Maria Devi Christos, born Marina Tsvigun, founded the "White Brotherhood" So that the prophecy of Jesus in which he spoke of multiple false prophets, who will be to overshadow the minds of men, and lead people away from the true worship of God, come true.

Feast of Ascension of Our Lord

All true believers celebrate the Ascension of the Lord joyfully and triumphantly. The churches are solemn worship and liturgy. Near Jerusalem gather thousands of pilgrims from around the world. Here, on the Mount of Olives built Chapel of the Ascension and Ascension Monastery, which became the center of celebration.

In Rome, this festival is considered one of the greatest. There are services all night, and during Mass sanctify beans and grapes. Then extinguish the Easter candle and, in some churches raise the statue of Jesus Christ on the ceiling, accompanying this action hymns and prayers.

Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord wishes in verse



Happy Ascension

With beautiful Orthodox day

I want to congratulate heartily today

All those who have faith in the heart elated!

I want to wish the soul sought

To repent often not a sin!

To fate well built

Thanks to the wonderful heaven!

And let today in temples prayers

Will pay homage to God from the heart!

Ask yourself this day protection!

And forces on reaching the top!


Since time immemorial has been formed,

What you need to celebrate the holiday!

And we destined to Ascension

Ask for forgiveness and to forgive ourselves!

Praying from the heart and so heartily,

That God has heard our prayers all!

To grant the soul of eternal life!

And all the promise of forgiveness of fate!

I congratulate you on the Feast of the Eternal

All those who are with God in heart and soul!

I wish you humility of heart!

And joy around the big, big!


Today, the heart often beats

The soul aspires to the sky and carried ...

And his hands pleading for a chest rose

In the temple in a hurry, with him having taken a candle!

For now Ascension

And let everyone worship the icon!

Prayer and read with excitement

Just ask God transgression!

I'm in that day I hasten to congratulate you all,

And congratulations Orthodox forward,

That you were always, always healthy

And prayers were age ready!


Now I want to congratulate the Ascension

And congratulations to all of its right,

That life was the New Testament,

To the soul bloomed and smelled like summer! ..

Praise ascension to heaven!

Let each now, which was not only,

Pray from the heart of Christ, God,

And, filled with a little faith,

Forgive all who have offended helluva lot!

May God forgive all your mistakes ...

I wish you all the blessings of

And the soul huge luck! ..


In a large and important festival of Orthodox

I want to congratulate you on a very nice !!!

I want him to Ascension

You prayed anxiously today!

And may God always protects you,

Let your forgiveness often sends ...

Let protects from contamination and dashing,

Let not the age you have bad ...

And let the fate of all will be right!

I wish to live a rich and beautiful!

But with faith in the soul it is always great!

I wish you always a decent life!

Congratulations of Ascension lyrics
