Life is Beautiful and amazing


Have you ever said to yourself - "here will finish repair, and then it will begin to live" or "Now I will write a diploma, all of me will be restrained, then so will the real life"? In light of these beliefs is happening "here and now"

perceived only as a preparation for real life.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today

They say the "right" millionaire (not nouveau riche any) must go to the mangy jeans. Allegedly, he had no time to buy new, because the projects on which he works, is much more important things such as the lowland update wardrobe.

About millionaires is not known, but some people do just that are simple everyday pleasures: they take the time during which it would be possible to have time to do something useful. In the rank of useful optional elevated earning money. It may be the performance of any commitments.

Are you this will not happen? And you never said to yourself - "here will finish repair, and then it will begin to live" or "Now I will write a diploma, all of me will be restrained, then so will the real life"?

In light of these beliefs is happening "here and now" is perceived only as a preparation for real life.

Those who currently brings real life with money, more or less clear. They are driven not so much by love of money, how much fear of being left without them. Such a person feels calm, but when he sees that his fortune has been steadily growing.

Any unnecessary waste of time and money caused his sense of loss. First, gatherings with friends, then traveling abroad - so far to poverty! Similarly outlook m often differ those who grew up in a poor family. They quietly tolerate all sorts of hardships and have a tremendous capacity for work.

And therefore believe that the pleasure and not needed at all. In order to somehow justify for themselves the waste of time and money on such trifles as the travel, so people should accept them as a regular contributor to their business. For example, rest on the sea, gives new strength for further work, and a tan color and make the appearance more attractive.

All the best - to children!

Another common reason for postponing life "for later" - the reluctance to pass selfish.   They are good parents can go to the theater, leaving the child with an elderly grandmother? Is it permissible to enjoy a tropical cocktail while your neighbors dinner buckwheat?

Those who argues in this way is generally tends to please your loved ones. Such people may overwhelm the gifts of children following their boundless imagination, but rarely dare to afford at least a tenth of the others arranged for the holiday.

This type of behavior is also associated with the lessons from childhood stereotypes of parental behavior. If the girl watched while universal feast mother torn between the kitchen and the living room, only sitting down for a moment on the corner of the table, dropping wearily onto the apron hands stained with flour, it will be like to imagine the holidays.

If you are familiar with these feelings, try to look at the situation from the perspective of their loved ones. Is not it nice to see a child happy mother and her husband - well-groomed wife? And your austerity makes them feel uneasy and worry about you.

Feast in Time of Plague

Some people prefer to postpone their enjoyment of life on the high moral, religious and patriotic convictions. You can not enjoy anything when GDP doubled in Vladivostok power outages, and in Zimbabwe are starving children.

Such a person takes to heart the place in the world political and economic events, not noticing that his life is almost nothing interesting. This peculiar way of avoiding the real problems.

It is much easier to worry about the others, sitting in front of the TV than to understand their own lives. Often, such a mindset promoting people of mature age, accustomed to live under a once-popular Soviet slogan: "Public higher personal."

To get rid of excessive sensitivity, it is necessary to resort to elementary logic.

Firstly, if you ever come good and easy times when there will be no problems, you most likely will not find them already, but in old age you will be nothing to remember.

Second, children in Zimbabwe, food will not increase if you give up going to the bowling club.

And finally, taking another vacation, you upset another sostradaltsa who hears the news that according to statistics, thousands of working people do not use their vacation location.

Live - health harm

If you abide by all the canons of a healthy lifestyle, the simple human pleasures simply did not find a place. After all, almost everything, which is nice, is harmful to health.

Midnight gatherings with friends are knocked out of their regime and deprive a person needs 8 hours of sleep. Travel around the world threaten the problems of acclimatization. And, for example, beautiful shoes with heels impedes venous outflow.

So wind the man following in the park in spacious sandals with arch supports, nagulivaya appetite before dinner, consisting of spinach and yogurt. Blush is, but there is no happiness.

Carried away by the care of health is sometimes remember the famous aphorism: "Life - it is a disease with one hundred percent fatal."

Or at least to complement its philosophy the idea that the majority of serious diseases develop on the background of depressed emotional state.

And in general, the failure of the natural needs - a huge stress to the body.


About love


Do you want to tell me now that my heart is going on? No? And I still tell because keep it to myself no more strength ...

You know, on the street the rain: wet, cold and dirty ... And the soul of birds chirping and want to laugh and sing (what I'm doing on the sly).

An icy wind is taken under clothing, it permeates to the bone - and that's good. At this wind did not fall asleep, do not forget who you are and why.

What nonsense all our life, if there is no place for such a simple and vivid feelings as love ...   not love to something, to someone ...

just love the very feeling that permeates right through you, change the world around, it paints the pieces of glass that make up the whole of our life the variety of colors ...

because everything is so simple - just want ... just want to love this world, this life, these people ... so simple and so complicated at the same time -

There is nothing easier, but there is nothing more difficult and more important. if it is - take it for granted, but when she escapes, escapes unseen shadow - too late.

And again - re-start education of his own soul, to re-look a spark ... The world is simple - people are complex. Like all simple and complicated ...

I ran in the rain - to freeze and humming to himself a simple love song. I'll come home and sit down to write poetry, then I will read them aloud to the night's rain.

And tomorrow is a new day, the first and last of those that remained - and that's fine.

Well, because love is life.

All. I escape into the unknown, but only in order to come back with glowing eyes, you swirl it in the dance of madness and then dissolve in the silence of eternal summer.


Recipe female happiness


Recipe women's happiness: family, work and the man who is able to load and unload the washing machine.

These are the results of a research project, which cost 160 thousand pounds of taxpayers' money.

British women are happy, if the organization of their life is different from traditional ideas, and no longer want to be housewives and sit at home, caring for children, state the results of a study published by the Council for Economic and Social Research.

"Our results contradict claims that women would be happier if it went back to the traditional role of housewife," - said the head of research Professor Rosemary Crompton of the City University of London.

"The recipe for personal happiness, satisfaction of the family and reduce stress, gets home, apparently in conjunction liberal attitudes to work outside the home and a more equitable sharing of domestic responsibilities."

"Men often neglect washing and ironing and doing the cleaning. However, they are more than ever before, take the time to children, minor repairs, cooking and grocery shopping. They are better than the French and Portuguese men, and the difference between them and the Scandinavian men negligible" .

The study concerned the lives of women in the UK and Portugal, as the final stage of a comparative study of family relations, employment and working outside the home in the UK and Europe.

The results showed that the conflict between family and work is associated more with the way people work, what with the fact of working, and highly dependent on the availability of part-time employment and gender policies in relation to working time.

In the UK, the researchers found a correlation between the level of stress in women and their ambitions.

"Women, to climb the career ladder in the UK, often have a long working day and can not afford high-quality services for child care and professional workers to work on the house," - says Professor Crompton.

"In Portugal, career advancement for women means the promotion of orderly hierarchy. They have shorter working hours than the same women in the UK, and they have greater access to professional help at home."

The conflict between life and work was more noticeable in the Portuguese women who are engaged in monotonous or manual labor than in the same British women. "This is hardly surprising because many Portuguese women with children up to 15 years of work more than 68 hours a week.

However, in the UK in this group full time occupied only 29% of women, "- says Professor Crompton. The study has been used the scale levels of conflict between work and family, developed by the research team.

Men and women of the EU asked questions, including how often they are coming to work, "too exhausted to do household chores", and how often they "find it difficult to concentrate on work because of domestic problems."

These results showed that, despite the large number of in Portugal men and women, busy full time, among them more people-oriented family values ​​than that of the British.

Happy life
