The day nurse history and traditions of the day nurses

 Nurses Day May 12 International Day celebration nurse 2011 story of Florence Nightingale

International Day of nurses is celebrated on May 12, the professional holiday, the history and characteristics.

In our time, no one hospital of the world, no one is unthinkable without the clinic nurses.

They help maintain outpatient sick, they are assisted at operations, and of course, they do a lot of necessary and important work to "put" the patient's feet.

In any hospital the day does not begin with the first rays of the sun, and with the appearance of a nurse in the ward. Temperature, pressure distribution of the tablets, the first morning procedures, preparations for traversal and so on and so forth.

All day on their feet, and not just because you need to strictly follow all the instructions of doctors, be sure to take care of each patient, pay attention to it, just to be able to smile at him and support. Then the mood of the person improves, and the case will go to the amendment, it's not for nothing they say, a kind word and a caring attitude is also treated.

Now nurses - are professionals in their field. They work with complex medical equipment, perform complex procedures. But it was not always so. Yet what some 200 years ago, nurses, as such, does not exist. In hospitals, hospitals and so-called homes for the poor nurses looking after the sick, who are not only about treatment, even human anatomy hardly knew.

Florence Nightingale Nurses Day

Things have changed since then, as the fragile British girl named Florence Nightingale decided to take matters into their own hands. Florence was not beautiful in the conventional sense of the word. It is decorated with the youth, and it attracted such traits as perseverance, dedication and an iron will.

The conservative England in those days there were quite strict rules of behavior for women from wealthy families. To go against them is the same as the challenge to society. Only people with strong character can decide on that.

Florence was not afraid to break off the engagement and go to work the nurse in the hospital for the poor, so it struck and unsanitary mess that is going on there. She did not care what people laugh at her its terms that it was abandoned her best friend. Even disinheritance girl did not stop.

In parallel with the study of all the subtleties of the work of professional nurses, it is implemented in the hospital most seemingly simple principles of life - clean, maximum attention to the patients, adherence to prescribed treatments and nutrition. These seemingly simple methods that have reduced mortality in the hospital twice.

Under the pressure of indisputable facts Florence again began to respect those who have recently made fun of her, and the powers that even instructed her to lead a small medical facility. And then I arrived, and the Crimean War. Russia begins to Turkey. England has got there later, but despite this, human losses were enormous.

Himself war minister of England turned to Florence to help the wounded. She has organized a detachment of nurses. Applying to military hospitals its methods, it has reduced mortality from 42 to 2, 2 percent. Among the soldiers began to go about her legend. Certainly England met her as a national heroine.

But Florence is not only herself nursed the sick, she has actively participated in the creation of a school for training nurses, wrote books, he participated in various charity events. She died this glorious woman in the 90th year of life.

In memory of her hard work and enormous contribution to raising the prestige and professionalism of nursing it established the International Fund for its name. May 12 as the birthday of this self-sacrificing women all over the world celebrates the Day of nurses.

Day of nurses in Russia

In Russia this holiday is celebrated not so long ago, in 1993. For nurses in all countries this day is not only a holiday, but the day of summing up, because since 1912 the best of the best is awarded the Order of the Florence Nightingale.

Every year this holiday May 12 Board of Nursing prepares information materials, theme and slogan of the celebration.

International Day of nurses in 2012 on the theme: "Nurses make up and expand access to care and promote justice."

SMS congratulations nurse short poems

 SMS nurse with a holiday


Nurses Day - a very important day

And I congratulate you not laziness!

I want to congratulate from the heart smoothly

And best of all in the fate of wanting!


For medsestrichek - real princesses

I send an SMS from the heart is!

Happy nurse I want to congratulate again

To express their love for you!


I thank you, simple Nurses

And I send a lot of your holiday greetings ...

Let life be full of light Page

Let there be a lot of different adventures ...

Short poems nurse


Happy nurse! You with a wonderful holiday

Congratulate glad poems I am quite ...

Let this be a working day clear!

You are happy to be a double celebration!


Good day today comes

Happy nurse wishes you every ...

And I am pleased to congratulate you today!

I wish you a lot of labor-winning ...


In those days, the soul craves lira,

What lines are poured out like poetry, of course ...

Happy nurse you, you are our idols,

I hasten to congratulate warmly today!


Day Nurse wonderful occasion to congratulate

And congratulations better spent

To all those who are working together in a hospital,

To nights shifts not sleep ...


I SMSki to send my congratulations to you,

To say what you always appreciate ...

The day nurse, I congratulate you,

Gratitude is not melting ...


Flitting through the corridors like a bird,

The white coats, our nurses ...

Happy Nurse I congratulate you today

And best of all, just wish ...

SMS Quatrains for nurses


Happy Nurses congratulate you,

Love, patience, desire!

Let all the good will lay you!

Let everything be top class!


Happy Nurse I congratulate you.

Being the best in the wish.

Good way to meet people.

Suppose you expect bright days.


Happy nurse accepts congratulations.

I wish pure heaven,

Tenderness, laughter, happiness, inspiration ...

Sorry, can not fit everything in the SMS.


Let never out of the family circle

Happiness family does not float away.

Happy nurse congratulations, friend.

Let this holiday brings good luck!


Happy Nurse I congratulate you.

Beautiful desired mood.

And everything that you do not have enough,

I want to send this message.


Hi! You, I, my dear, I congratulate

Happy nurse in a short SMS.

You wish a happy life,

Suppose there is a lot of miracles!

Congratulations on the occasion of a nurse friend

 Happy nurse friend


My friend - a nurse,

Her heartily congratulate

On this day in the morning,

And the heart quietly pressing,

Thank you for your kindness,

Understanding and affection,

For warmth, for cleanliness.

The House turned into a fairy tale!

Shines each patient,

When it comes to our fairy

From her hand at any time

Ready to find a cure everything!

I wish you, my dear, you

For all the trouble passed,

Any ailment in the world

To instantly retreated!


Congratulations to me, friend,

On the day of yours, it's time!

Hippocratic you "spouse" -


You treat our bodies

You luchas of kindness,

Wear drops clysterize

And apply bandages.

Patiently and sincerely,

Radiant and clear

Division princess

Fairy Red Cross!

Girlfriend nurses verses holiday


I congratulate you, my friend,

With our day nurse

Party let bypass around,

Expansion to other worlds,

All sorts of ailments, viruses, trauma,

What are the hospital of the city.

Only once again - the lacerations,

So again, a series of infections ...

The quiet of our work,

But, having carried through the years ahead,

Shall bestow on him all the warmth and care,

Someone with the disease came to us here.

I wish you only happiness

And patience for ever forward.

For you we allot of bad weather,

We believe in doctors and people!


From the heart we congratulate

You, my friend this afternoon!

As a nurse you want

Only the happy times,

Only the happy moments

And rest at his post,

Hassle-free patients

And the height of the salary!

There are systems let pipette

And all the ducks, and bandages,

A Pills and tablets

Sami jumping everything in their mouths.


Happy nurse, my girlfriend,

You paramedic upper class,

We have long been familiar with each other,

No friendship is stronger than us,

Many times you rescued me,

Treated all my relatives,

To doctors took out the voucher,

For this, I love you,

Health, career growth,

To get by in destiny,

The friend you really believe,

And I trust you all!


Happy nurse I hasten to congratulate,

My podruzhenka, you,

For many years we are already familiar,

We like close relatives,

Often shared with you trouble,

Shared the joy with you,

None of us did not betray you,

Friendship for the heart darling,

I wish you a sea of ​​happiness,

To be together, we always,

And if a sudden storm comes,

To help you call me!

Congratulations on the occasion of a medical nurse
Congratulations on behalf of women nurses nurses
Congratulations nurse beloved
Birthday greetings nurse in verse
Scenario Nurses Day, contests and humor on holiday 2
Nurses Day scenario, celebrations 1
