Happiness: real or illusory?



Can we be happy when everything worse than ever? Tips gives senior researcher at the Russian Institute for Cultural Research, Moscow psychologist Ludmila B. VOLYN.


Do not compare yourself with those whom fate of more favorable - a sure way to be unhappy.

Some people argue that it is necessary to compare ourselves with the best, not the worst. Of course, it is not necessary to be equal to those who are lazy, who are rude or overwhelmed by negative emotions. But you will be compared with those who were initially extremely favorable conditions of life?

Separate those aspects of life which you are subject, from those for which you can not influence. To compare their achievements with other people only in the first case.

If you are doing by comparing yourself with someone who was born into a wealthy and prosperous family who works in a prestigious place, not because that is applied to this effort and just so happened "historically", then you are on the right path to mental hell. You do not even have to die to get into it, you can arrange a early - during his lifetime.


You can not make a point of comparison that does not depend on you, and if we compare it better with those to whom fate is not too merciful.

In this case, you learn to appreciate what you have and not to consider it for granted. Bringing a sense of gratitude, you become both happier.

A friend of mine read Solzhenitsyn and Shalamov, a new look at their own lives. Previously, she often wondered why she was not always lucky and why others luckier. Now, presenting the life of the prisoners of Stalin's camps, she enjoys the most ordinary things: the fact that she can walk in the woods, enjoy nature, swimming in the river, the fact that she is a young, strong, workable, has the opportunity to dispose of their own.

Do you think she was happier: before or now? Focus on the best examples only in those cases when you can follow them. For example, you decide to change jobs, but can not put this decision into practice. You know that you are never waiting with open arms.

Having met two or three times a failure, you find confirmation of his sad view and do not believe in a prosperous development in the future. Your friend, on the contrary, is not afraid of failure, perceiving them as a temporary test. The time that you have spent on experiences, she devotes active search.

What do you think, all things being equal, which position is more advantageous?


Choose the best samples in those cases when you can benefit from their experience.

But do not compare yourself with those who are more fortunate, regardless of their personal effort and merit. The first step on the road to happiness - is the acceptance of yourself and your life in it is what it is, including limitations, imperfections and contradictions. Pay attention to what you want. Well, when dreams are connected with your real life, arise from your actions.

For example, you are doing a lot and dream about the time when you get a diploma and will be able to move to another job. Or you change the diet, began to lead a more healthy lifestyle and imagine the ease in body and beautiful figure in the future.

These images help the future you do not throw begun, maintain new habits, to show willpower.


It is important to be willing to select and desires, and not to let them slide.

Some of them may be unattainable in principle, for example, the desire to have a different origin or type of appearance. Others - unattainable at your current capabilities and resources - for example, to your favorite divorced his wife and married you. Such desires indicate rejection of reality, and they will not bring you nothing but misery.

So think about why you need such desires. Abandoning the impossible, you will be much happier. Third desires are achievable only in the future, provided your mental work. This could be the acquisition of new skills or improving relations with the people, the development of a certain character traits - serenity, diligence, kindness.

These desires are worthy of respect and show your emotional maturity. Look forward to their appearance and give them a "green light" in your soul.


Happiness does not imply constant high spirits, the more euphoric.

The famous philosopher Voltaire asked many people to question if they would like to be happy insane? And almost all answered in the negative, even before they complained about his unhappy fate. The fact of the matter is that human emotions are not only important in themselves, but also their power.

Happiness can not be without movement, because in our world there is nothing permanent - changes and environment around you and yourself. The transition to the new often is not easy, there are inevitable growing pains. During the ascent to the goal there are obstacles, delays and failures. The main question is, how do you feel about them.

Think of these as temporary and inevitable phenomenon, and even better as a challenge to myself. But if you are angry or offended, if not willing to tolerate the slightest emotional discomfort, the happiness you can not see. The pursuit of pleasure motivates avoid any painful emotions, sacrificing purpose and self-respect.

A true happiness as it may seem paradoxical at first glance, includes the negative emotions, and even amplified at their expense. Psychological studies show: in man there is a need in heterovalent emotional saturation in the whole range of sensory experience, including negative. Recent create a contrast to positive emotions, making them even more vivid and valuable.

When a person overcomes obstacles and pain, increased his self-confidence and satisfaction. And they who are the foundation of happiness. When all too easily given, it is little valued and not bring joy. Genuine happiness is not as bright as illusory. It does not look like no euphoria, because it includes not only joy, but also stress that must be overcome.

But now it is different from the illusory happiness far greater margin of safety. It does not crumble like a house of cards, the situation changes. After all, it is not based on random favorable circumstances, and your willingness and ability to overcome obstacles, never to despair, to seek and find a way out.

Its source is not outside, but inside you - in your attitude towards life, your position in the character. And it is your behavior creates the circumstances to which you aspire.

Happiness can not be without movement - change and the environment around us and ourselves.


How to be happy, not only in dreams, but in real life


We have a lifetime looking for happiness. Rather, we think that looking for it, but actually wandering in the darkness, instead of taking concrete action.

How is it possible to be happy, not only in dreams, but in real life?

To do this, first of all, develop the ability to look at life positively. It has long been no secret that a good mood and positive thinking helps people to achieve much, and all the difficulties and problems to overcome with ease.

How do you start to think positively?

To do this, use the following guidelines:

- Analyze your past, identifying the problems that have come to you from childhood. Perhaps even since you are accustomed to consider themselves not enough smart, beautiful, etc. - And hence unworthy of happiness. Unsurprisingly, then, you just can not find it.

You must, at last, to accept yourself for who you are and allow yourself to be happy. Perhaps you yourself can not do it - then it makes sense to turn to a psychologist.

- Do not ignore the signs of attention. If your self-esteem low, then you certainly tend not to notice how people tell you nice things or show their sympathy.

Set a goal: to be attentive, so - celebrate every compliment, every smile and a sign of attention. Enjoy the pleasant words that tell you friends, and do not miss them pass.

- Be kind to herself. Imagine if one of your friends tormented because of some situation and blamed for all the trouble yourself, you would be comforted and supported it, is not it? So why can not you do the same with itself?

- Learn to understand their emotions. And take them - even negative. Remember how you felt emotions in childhood - probably even now you can remember the moments of joy or sadness, you feel so bright shades of feeling. Try to regain this ability.

However, be careful, do not let yourself, such as "stay" in negative emotions. If you feel that too long worried or sad - lift your spirits in all possible ways.

- Learn to "punch". Happy is not the one who never faced troubles or difficulties, but the one who knows that he will be able to survive and remain a whole.

- Try to respond to surprise positively. If the situation is changing rapidly - it is not necessary to see in this next issue, instead think of what new opportunities have emerged. And to begin with - calm down and try to come to the flat state of mind.

- Be realistic. Nobody is perfect, and you're in the number of m. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. And does not require too much - instead, learn to appreciate all their achievements.

Many people believe that happiness - is only a few rare moments of our lives.

But in fact, every woman of us the strength to make the happiness of their normal state.

We just need to work specifically on myself and never to lose heart!

