Taste of life, or the ability to be happy

 Taste of life, or the ability to be happy
Taste of life, the ability to be happy

How to recover a taste for life, avoid depression, to feel happy.

In every life there are moments when it seems that everything seemed as usual, but something desperately lacking, and what it is - is not clear, or when you begin to see things in black permanently feelest some trouble and therefore feel miserable ...

Such symptoms suggest approaching depression - very bad state, which is much easier to prevent, rather than eliminated. For information on how to return the taste for life, avoid depression, to feel needed and happy - read on!

"You want to be happy - be happy" Kozma bars. Not many people never who heard this simple truth, fraught with a brilliant sense. And really - all genius is simple. You think that you are unhappy? The reasons can be many - it unsettled personal life and problems with work, dissatisfaction with their appearance, etc.

A because everything in our life is relative, and what you think the problem is not giving fully live alone, in fact, it is not. Many people are inclined by nature dramatize the situation, while that for no good reason.

A friend of mine, for example, became very upset when she found a few prominent moles, suddenly appeared on the body. She began to wear closed clothes, in every way Avoid being in the sun, I looked enviously at friends, or visiting a solarium which gathered to go to the sea.

Every day, in your spare time, she just did that I examined the body for the appearance of new moles, became irritable and scattered. She began to feel that at any moment it may appear larger birthmark on his face, which would disfigure it, or, God forbid, will develop a malignant tumor.

Can you imagine what has become her life with such an approach to business? Blowing out of molehills, she became unhappy, complaining about the unfairness of life, it lishivshuyu simple earthly pleasures.

At the same time, millions of people are holders of moles, including the face, including large and noticeable, but it does not prevent them to fully live and enjoy life in all its manifestations, they just should not be abused and to be a little tan attentive to their health than other people who are absent or moles small and insignificant.

That's all, and no fanaticism. "You have to compare," - says the proverb, and it is impossible to disagree. You pay a little at work? Cramped apartment? Divorced and therefore unhappy? You look around and realize that you can not complain, because there is always someone, who have a harder time than you.

Small salary? Perhaps what is "small" for you - it's order more income lone pensioner who worked all his life for the benefit of their countries and as a result received a penny for their retirement.

Cramped apartment? Maybe, "Close" flat, such as you, is an accomplishment for some families several parents and children with disabilities living in a dilapidated wooden house in some village, waiting for many years from the state.

No husband? Think of orphans, street children or the elderly, who do not have one at all. Examples There are many, but there is one conclusion - value what you have, and sincerely rejoice this! Not easy to say: "What we have - we do not store and lost - we cry." therefore keep what you have, so it was not necessary then to cry.

"There was a blessing in disguise" - this is true noticed!

That unhappiness sometimes make us start to appreciate what we have, because the risk of loss is always It promotes reassessment of values.

What yesterday seemed to us a little significant, everyday, banal and routine becomes very important and valuable, once we understand that We can lose it, or suddenly lose.

We can see, speak, hear, smell and sounds - It is commonplace for us, we are born with this and therefore take for granted, and After all, for a blind man sight - the greatest miracle of its acquisition - a dream that often never come true.

You appreciate everything you have, everything that gave You Mother Nature. Rejoice that you can speak and listen to the birds, breathe fresh air, walk on the grass or warm sand and see the beautiful world around, smell the flowers, feel the wind light touch to the skin, rejoice every the time of their existence!

One girl, who is now no longer with us, being terminally ill, said: "The fact that what happened - it's good, because now I began to truly live a full life, rejoice every passing minute, to appreciate this life and the possibility to live! "- Meaning these sad, but at the same time ingenious words spoken really strong man must become a motto for everyone.

After all, life is given to us only one, and it must reside in tears, sorrow and anguish, savoring its destruction and melting the entire offense peace, and joy, positive and productive, enjoying every moment, doing other happy and therefore become very happy.

It turns out that the formula for happiness is not too difficult to calculate, you just have to look at things a slightly different angle.

I believe that by reading this article, think about each of its life and happiness, will understand how this very life is beautiful and multifaceted, as much opportunities it gives us every day, and that the program was initially laid in happiness each of us, and it is elementary, and it works great if feed it to their positive.

Happy life without depression - a reality that absolutely everyone in currently able to provide, the main secret of success - the ability to appreciate.

I appreciate everything, that life would not we presented: Every year the unique, awesome day every beautiful moment of my life!

Let your life be filled with kindness and love, appreciate life and she will answer you in return! Good luck!

How to cope with the autumn depression?


Each season, anyway, but it affects a person.

With the onset of autumn cold, rainy, cloudy, with a man starts to happen the same. At the heart it is somehow sad, sad and even lonely.

Fortunately, not everyone starts to mope and indulge in "Autumn" mood, someone very much like fall. But there are people who have difficulty to survive the cold weather and they begins autumn depression.

Autumn depression manifests itself in the fact that a person starts to get irritated for no particular reason. He is dissatisfied with himself and the world. In humans, there is a feeling of anxiety, hopelessness and hopelessness of the future.

It seems that everything is bad, and it is impossible to change the present. He feels lack of energy, lethargy, sadness, depression, and most importantly the reluctance to change anything.

By the way, the fall of a person may have problems and physical nature. For example, in this period may worsen diseases of the stomach, headaches, back pain, heart. Many are beginning to worsen chronic diseases.

In order to avoid all these problems and meet the fall in a good mood you must take care of yourself.

To begin your note diet

During the summer, we eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. With the onset of cold weather, these products are becoming smaller and smaller. But do not limit yourself to the use of vitamins.

It must be remembered that vitamins entering the body, are not postponed for the future. They are absorbed immediately. Therefore, the need for vitamins we there every day. If you can not eat fresh fruits and vegetables, buy vitamins at the pharmacy.

Yes, fruits and vegetables - It is good, but do not limit yourself to just vegetables.

The body in this period want a nourishing and high-calorie food. Do not deny yourself this. The main thing to know the measure and not to abuse a lot of food. Otherwise, you may put on weight.

Try as much as possible to move.

Walk in the open air, but rather take a jog in the park. Go to the pool, or play football in the meadow. Remember that during exercise in our blood secretes endorphins, or "pleasure hormones". And they are known, yet no harm.

Pay attention to your wardrobe.

If your wardrobe will be present bright beautiful things, your mood is also good. For example, it is believed that red uplifting. Remember that color therapy is also a positive effect on a person. Improve your health, you will be bright colors, which are so lacking in the fall.

Communicate more.

Indulge in communicating with family, friends and just acquaintances. For example, buy a gift and go to someone to visit or invite friends to her and arrange a holiday. You can go with the kids to the circus, as well as to visit the theater or a concert. Take part in social activities.

Rejoice, do not deny yourself the positive emotions. Smile more often and chase away bad spirits.

Author: Tatiana Markinova
