What you need to know about skin hydration?

 Moisturizing the skin

Moisturize the skin - a pledge of her youth and beauty. To achieve the desired results, you need to use a good moisturizer, drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day, as well as to impose on the face moisturizing mask once a week. Regarding moisturizer, in its composition glycerol must be - it is able to penetrate deeply into the epidermal layer and to retain moisture in the skin.

It is advisable to opt for a cream that has a light texture and is quickly absorbed.

Moisturizer should be applied not only during the day, but after cleansing, in the evening. If you have the need to use anti-aging, you must first apply on face anti-age-care and after - moisturizer.

If you have oily skin type, this does not mean that it does not need moisture: the fight against excess sebum (the use of strong matting agents) leads to rapid evaporation of moisture from the entire surface of the skin. This can lead to dehydration - this is well described on the website www.tet-s.com in the relevant section. To avoid this, be sure to oily skin moisturize special moisturizer designed specifically for oily skin. Competent approach to skin hydration may well be an alternative beauty injections and plastic surgery.

What else you need to know about this procedure? Do not forget the ice cubes in the morning. This is a very effective tonic. With it, you can achieve pretty good, and sometimes very good results if practiced daily. It does not require any complicated manipulation, takes time. More than that, such a procedure will cost very cheap. Suffice it to special molds, which are available in the freezer almost all modern refrigerators, pour a solution of eucalyptus or chamomile. There are other variants, including infusions complex composition consisting of a plurality of different herbs. There is an individual approach.

In general, each of the fair sex should itself choose suitable means to her, or to listen to the advice of beauticians. If a friend recommends a certain option that came to her, it does not mean that for you it will be just as effective. Do not forget about it. Appreciate the beauty that is presented by nature - use natural remedies and do not try to go under the surgeon's knife just because there are some small flaws. Healthy skin can be stored for a long time if you use the right tools.

How to remove cellulite at home

 anti-cellulite bath

Many women know what cellulite is not hearsay. And try different ways to get rid of, but there are some pitfalls. Very often in places where there was a fat, unattractive are the folds of skin. In order not to interfere with the need to take anti-cellulite bath at home and play sports.

Here are some of the most effective of bathrooms:

- To prepare honey baths need to take 200 grams of honey and dissolve it in 400 ml of boiling water, then add to all this, 800 ml of milk and stir well. In another container dilute 5 tablespoons of salt in 400 ml of boiling water and then add to the mixture of honey and milk. The mixture should be very well absorbed by the skin in a circular motion and hold for 10 minutes, then all remnants pour into the tub and take it.

- To increase the elasticity of the skin, it is necessary to take 300 grams of grass thistle, well chop and pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Then strain and pour the broth into the bath. This bath is recommended to take 20 minutes.

- A more anti-cellulite bath at home and help to get rid of the "goose bumps." To do this, take 1.5 tablespoons pine extract, and 1 kg of potato starch, all mix well and dissolve in warm bath. After making it necessary to moisturize the skin cream.

- To restore skin tone, you need to take leaves of rosemary, nettle, sweet flag and daisy (all herbs 2 teaspoons) and 1 teaspoon of horsetail. All this is to grind and pour 3 cups boiling water. Insist 40 minutes, then strain and pour into the tub. Lying in the broth should be not less than 20 minutes.

Most women have cellulite begins to appear first on the buttocks. The skin is similar to an orange peel. To return to her former form will have to exert much effort. So how to get rid of cellulite on the buttocks? This will help honey massage.

So, prepare one of the proposed mixtures:

1) 2 drops of oil of eucalyptus and lavender lemon drops +5 +2 tsp honey;

2) 2 drops of lavender oil + 5 drops of peppermint drops of lemon + 3 + 2 tsp honey;

3) 2 drops of lavender and orange oil + 3 drops of lemon and juniper oil + 2 tsp honey.

After preparing a mixture apply her palms on the problem area and pat. Then firmly stick to the body of his hands and a sharp movement tear. Repeat this for 15 minutes, constantly increasing intensity. Honey must fully absorb, and act on their hands homogeneous white mass. After that, all you need a good wash with warm water and moisturize the skin cream. Do not be put off by the fact that the first procedure of this massage will be very painful. You may even appear bruises, but they quickly dissipate.

How to get rid of cellulite on the buttocks with scrubs?

You mozhetet buy the scrubs in the store, but it's best to cook them yourself.

1) Mix 100 ml of sour cream or cream with 1 tbsp salt;

2) 1 tbsp honey 1 tablespoon + salt;

3) Mix until smooth 2 tbsp cinnamon, 3 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon honey.

Apply these scrubs should be light circular movements, then leave on the skin for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

How to deal with circles around the eyes?

 Remove the circles around the eyes

No one will argue that circles around the eyes - a dubious decoration, because the real beauty of the face and gives a peppy look well-groomed skin. With the natural attractiveness of the shadows is not achieved. Therefore, overclocking the clouds around the eyes with his hands.

Consult an allergist, dermatologist, or therapist will help identify possible disease that contributes to unhealthy skin pigmentation around the eyes.

Even such a trifle as a runny nose, gives a darkening of the lower eyelids of veins that go from the eyes to the nose, not to mention such diseases as allergy (Passive any allergen capable of producing black eyes), so to eliminate the interaction allergen has priority.

Dark circles or bags under the eyes may occur when vitamin deficiency. Since this condition is easy to fight, if you start to eat foods rich in vitamins A, C and E.

Vitamin A - is responsible for visual acuity, prevent wrinkles, it contributes to the beauty of the hair and nails. Vitamin C - is used to strengthen the body's defenses and the production of collagen, which gives skin does not grow old. Vitamin E - the strongest antioxidant, opposing the destructive action of carcinogens (substances that cause cancer cell growth: nitrates, nitrites, peroxides, dioxins, vinyl chloride, etc.).

Lack of sleep or prolonged neuro-psychological stress can create the impression of dark circles. Exercise facial muscles - lively facial expressions - contribute to the wear of the collagen fibers, and, consequently, the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Collagen is synthesized in the body can not make up for the losses on their own, so to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin is designed to keep the cosmetics.

Start taking care of the skin around the eyes should be, the sooner the better. And then comes to the aid biocomplex TÊTe Cosmeceutical. This tool is saturated with moisture, improves muscle tone, makes skin glow health.

Use this therapeutic drug can be at home, and you can hire the services of beauty salons where biocomplex TÊTe Cosmeceutical used in combination with other anti-aging procedures are activated and that, of course, enhances the effect of visiting the salon.

Adhering to the above, you are guaranteed to forget about such unnecessary "decorations" as circles and puffiness around the eyes.
