Phalaenopsis Orchid breeding rules in the home, care tips

 Phalaenopsis Orchid

Every plant, which lives in the apartment of a person, it is necessary first of all to learn to feel. If you follow the descriptions to care for them in the books and the Internet, you can easily ruin your flower. So I talk about how I take care and look after the flowering, house favorite - Phalaenopsis Orchid (Phalaenopsis - from the Greek "Like a butterfly"), which pleases my eye every day and gives a good mood.

Orchid native to the tropical rain forests of Indonesia, south-east Asia and Australia. In nature, it grows on the trunks and branches of trees, clinging to their roots on the banks of streams and boulders among mosses and ferns. And in the home life of the plant creates man.

Caring for her is not so complicated. Phalaenopsis Orchid feels good in a pot with a transparent plastic timber as the soil. If the wood is destroyed since the landing, turns into dust, the plant is taken out of it all that you can take and the soil needs to be updated.

Increase the size of the plastic pot is necessary for increasing the size of the flower. Usually should be repotted every two to three years, to give him the growth and renewal of soil. Watering is desirably boiled water at room temperature, once in the 2nd week of the top timber on the perimeter of the container, but not the plant itself. Also, once a month and a half I arrange its orchid rain shower bath as the water temperature is the same as in watering - 30 degrees. Shower to be small and scattered a meter above the flower, thus making him the natural conditions in the form of rain. The water that accumulates in the leaves and is impregnated cotton pad to the base, ie the outlet, remained dry. Therefore, get rid of the possible decay. To avoid overflow plants, you need to watch the pot. If on an inner side of condensation - it means watering is not necessary. If the pot is dry and well looked wood - a flower needs watering.

Orchid does not like direct sunlight, but it is light - the main condition for its content. Light determines when and how much moisture the roots absorb the body, how much and where to send it, how to distribute the substance in the tissue, that is, where to form new cells. Sunlight giving yellowing leaves, but they must always remain bright green color, as a healthy orchid leaves are always green and dense. But if the leaves shriveled - it means not enough moisture.

Also leaves of orchids have one or two trunks (they can reach during flowering to one meter). These trunks are formed long flower stalks with a lot of beautiful flowers. Of the twelve months of the year, seven or eight - orchid should be in bloom. His replacement blossoming flowers bloom comes next, which until then will be in bud. Flowers that have already faded, are withering look and feel like their cut, but this can not be done - our nature has provided all: beautiful bloom next primary wither and fall off themselves. All in all orchid emissions from 10 to 20 colors. In place of this come next.

In orchids have roots that are found in the soil (in the wood), and the roots, which are located above the ground - air. They serve as a kind of absorbing the required amount of nutrients surface.

Orchid - is unusual, beautiful, blooming miracle of nature. Love, feel, to care for her, and she would bring you joy, but at heart settled permanently tenderness.

The impact of indoor plants on human health


Influence and curative effect of indoor plants to health, the human body. Probably no one would argue that the house is full of flowers, always cozy, it safely and securely, the abundance of colors pleasing to the eye, warms the soul.

But few people know why this is happening. Why the colors are well on our mood? It turns out that the flowers are able to absorb the negative aura, highlighting vibes of joy and happiness.

You may have noticed time and again that some people are always flowers grow well and bloom without stopping, while others - wither and die.

The fact is that if the house (apartment) live at least one unfriendly person, then flowers are simply not able to process all the negative energy emanating from him.

But among other things, in different colors, it turns out different specialization.

The impact on the health of indoor plants

Cactus simply irreplaceable in the house where frequent quarrels and spats.

If you really want in a house at peace and harmony, get the cactus, it will cool the anger and relieve irritation. Another valuable feature of this nondescript-looking plants - his ability to deal with the evil spirit. That is why magicians recommend installing cactus in locations where there is contact with the outside world - at the door and on the window sills.

Pipal   you need to make those who really want to have children, and love to look after him.

Tradescantia - universal means of "the evil eye".

In your house too many people? And not all of them are friendly and honest? Get Tradescantia, under the influence of evil people will forget the way to your house. Tradescantia - a source of joy and inspiration. It is able to energize, exacerbate a sense of humor, give hope. In addition, it keeps the owners from diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Fern   you need to move from home to work, to give to someone, if you want to maintain good family relations.

Money tree (Crassula) - recommended accountants, salesmen, bankers - that is, those people who always has contact with the money.

Not that Crassula particularly conducive to enriching ... It helps to cope with financial problems, relieves tension and excitement of the people involved in monetary calculations.

Chlorophytum   - Best air purifier and place it desirable in every room.

Orchid - healer.

It is believed that it can cleanse and heal even the most sick body. Orchid bring order to the mind, soothe, if necessary, give hope for the best, learn to enjoy life.

Different color orchid differ in their properties. Red - power and energy supply, white - makes a good man better, pink - give love for a person, yellow - decline to creativity.

Dieffenbachia   - A very beautiful plant, but poisonous. So you can not put in the bedrooms and children's rooms. Cutting off the leaves or stalks, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water and make sure that the juice did not get into your eyes or mouth.

Indoor bonsai establish the relationship between man and the fine world beyond.

While in the room, it helps to see the prophetic dreams, foresee the future, read the thoughts of others. They develop in the spiritual man, a hill. It was a society of these plants is best to meditate.

Room geraniums. Many flattering words can be said about the room geranium (Pelargonium for scientific).

Maxim Gorky remarked that loves her and deems the common people, especially the artisans, because the leaves are able to absorb toxic air tinning and shoemakers, and even burn and moisture.

Scientists have confirmed that the volatile flower really well with germs and weaken the scent of geraniums can be a headache, fatigue and normalize sleep.

Geranium serves as a determinant of health: if the smell of geranium is unpleasant, you are healthy, and if you like, the overexcited nervous system need to treat. Therefore, geranium - pacifier, is good in the living room and bedroom.

Monstera able to streamline and systematize the ideas of his master, break it down.

For those who have a perpetual mess in the house, it is simply irreplaceable. Monstera is good for those who are constantly obsessed with unfeasible ideas, grabs the work that they can not afford. In addition, Monstera protects people from poisoning.

Azalea It creates a positive energy in the house.

If you do not have peace in the family, are constant skirmishes over small things, azalea help you to restore an atmosphere of love and understanding. If you are serious, dramatic affair, azalea and then come to you for help. It helps you find enough force to resolve complex issues.

Calla in the house - a source of cheerfulness and gloom enemy.

It gives its owner the ability to eloquence, helping the latter to make a career and earn the respect and recognition. If someone in the family suffers from painful self-esteem, calla here will help get rid of this shortcoming.

Cyclamen - peacemaker

He is able to suppress and negate the conflicts to calm naughty children. For women's fickle nature is simply irreplaceable. Cyclamen helps to overcome complexes, isolation, shyness. This flower is able to give hope to the hopeless.

Flower Cyclamen refers to "home amulets." The ancient Romans believed that it protects against all adversity. And besides, since the time of Hippocrates, they treat women, gastrointestinal, neurological diseases, colds, gout, rheumatism.

And how many have other legends about plants - keepers and helpers!

Aloe It contributes to the prosperity of the house and its inhabitants, their longevity.

Since ancient times, such as was the custom in Egypt and the Middle East hang aloe on doors and windows. It was believed that this plant contributes to the prosperity of the house and its inhabitants, their longevity. And, apparently, is true. Aloe without water can be kept for several years, and even bloom.

It may be recalled as a vervain, giving love and good humor.

Strongest efironos - rhododendron - used today by homeopaths when you feel unwell just before a storm.
